Planning in projects with an end/execution date
Use an execution date or end date instead of the start date in projects for planning! This way, we can easily plan by, for example, saying that a certain task should be completed 2 weeks before the end date. Would really help because we work towards and end date and every project has a different time line.
Other way to work with expiration date of a task in project?
Could you let me know if it's also possible to use an execution date or end date instead of a start date in projects for planning? This way, we can easily plan by, for example, saying that a certain task should be completed 2 weeks before the end date. Would really help because we work towards and end date and every…
Product Description visibility in the add product section
[[Product description]] [[Import]] Automatically pull in a product description from products in Pipedrive. or at least have the description available on this screen so we can copy over the base description and edit in the notes box. As a bespoke joinery/manufacturing business we frequently edit the base description of a…
How to link an email to a deal when it's linked only to a contact?
Can anyone help me figure out how to link an email that I copied into Pipedrive, and is linked to the recipient only, to the deal he is associated with? I searched for a contact, the deal he's a participant in didn't come up (and I didn't know it existed, I'm not the owner) so I emailed the contact in reply to a previous…
Products detail view feedback/ ideas
It would be helpful to... Have the ability to create groups as we can in the deal details. (group together sales order information separately from vendor invoicing information, group product specifications together such as sizes and weights and shipping codes) Have the ability to hide, move or group Pipedrive Default…
Pronouns and pronunciations
This might be something PipeDrive would like to consider? On people, I sometimes have problems on how to pronounce a person's name as well as gender of gender neutral or names from other cultures. Might be something that is a field you add (unless it is already there and I have not yet found it). One can assume that Deonna…
How do I remove the sample data that loaded with initial start-up
It appears there is no "help" available from the dropdown. I thought my account at least had chat support. Any insight is appreciated. Thank you.
SMS sending with Zapier and Twilio
I have been trying to find a decent way to send SMS messages with Pipedrive, but Im not satisfied with the pricing for the tools that allow you to send texts and the price per text I've used Twilio a lot and I love Twilio Studio. So I figured out a clever way to user Pipedrive activities, Activity Filters, Twilio and…
Linking several organizations to 1 project
Hi there! My company is new on Pipedrive and we are struggling to achieve what we have in mind. I have been reading through the different discussions and it seems to me that this topic has not been tackled before; if it has, please send it! 😊 We want to use Pipedrive to keep track of the status of the projects we sell, as…
PipeDrive Client PHP doesn't update custom field value for person
We have created a custom field using "Data Fields" for Person which name is "Contact Address" and Now we are trying to create a person using php-client(https://github.com/pipedrive/client-php) api with custom fields. Custom fields are not updating values to the Contact Address(custom field) when trying to create person.…
Create a 'Day of the Week' personalization field?
When creating an email template, I want one of the field options to be the day of the week which automatically updates based on the day of the week. Ultimately, this will be used as part of a Workflow Automation. An example might be: [First Name], I hope you're enjoying this fine [Day of the Week] morning. Any suggestions?…
Advice Needed! Aggregating information from Contacts with regards to their demands
Hello PD community, I work for an international fashion wholesale company and benefit alot from the use of Pipedrive in many ways. One thing I am missing is aggregating the demands of different clients/leads and I explain: Org A is looking for Brand ABC at a quantity of xxxx and a price of X/unit Org B also looking for…
Is a Customer Portal Possible Through Pipedrive?
We are looking for a way to add a customer portal. We already have a form where a customer inputs their information, then we can send emails and invoices to them through Pipedrive. However, for the customer portal we would want the customer to be able to fill in forms, make payments, view their account information, and…
Field Definition Hovering
As I have spent time building out a training website for our team... this idea came to mind. If we could define fields (built-in and custom) in Settings, and then have those definitions show up either by hovering over a field or displayed right underneath a field, this would really help new and experienced users! Even…
Too many activities jamming my calendar! . How do I stop this from happening?
Hi . Every time I call or send SMS from the PD system ( using Justcall App ) it registers into my calendar as an activity. Please see screen shot. Does anyone know how I stop this as it is jamming up my day and I can see what appointments I have coming up. Thanks heaps . David Warne. Please see attached image for further…
Document Storage
We would like to use Projects to manage our annual client claims (clients typically sign up with is for three or five years and claims are handled annually for each client contract with various documents required in support of each claim period. We currently use Teamwork which allows us to store the various documents…
Deal Specific Survey / Feedback
We provide B2B services on a regular basis to the same clients. I want to be able to request feedback (via a survey) for each matter that we work on with a client. On Pipedrive we store each matter in a separate Deal. Therefore, in order to prevent confusion I require several specific custom deal fields to be incorporated…
Contact Creation: Use Domain to detect Organization
When creating a contact from an email it would be great if Pipedrive could detect the organization with the domain if other people from the organization are already added: Example: john.doe@nike.com is a contact with the organization "Nike Ltd." When mary.miller@nike.com writes me an email and I add her as a contact, the…
Pushing Insights to team members (reports and/or dashboards)?
Besides the sharing tool on Insights, does anyone know a way to PUSH a report to a user? I'd like a sales person's weekly dashboard pushed to them every Friday, for example. There don't appear to be any automations associated with Insights. I could send a recurring email every week with the link but I'd prefer the actual…
Google maps distance integration
Our company filters our leads based on their distance from us in miles. We have a distance field that we manually update but it is time consuming to check each one manually. Has anyone been able to create an automation to determine the driving distance between two addresses and set that as the value in a custom field? In…
Mail - 1 mailbox with 2 accounts synchronize
We use a general mail address with our sales team. This is where we receive questions and quotes. Within the team, several people need access to this mailbox. We currently have two pipeline users, and both synchronize the general mail address. Now we run into the following problem. User X answers and archives a message.…
Deleting open activities when a Deal is marked Won or Lost
I was looking to create a workflow automation that will delete any open activities when a deal is marked won or lost. Apparently the system isn't capable of this, at this time. Does anyone have any work around ideas to help us keep our to-do Activities accurately reflecting the work that needs to be done?
Workflow automation: Automatic Reminders
Hello! I've created an workflow automation for a 3 days automatic reminder. Every time we mark an activity as done, it creates a new activity automatically for in 3 days. I've configured 3 days, tried with skip weekends and whatnot. Not successful. I'd like to implement 3 'business days' as the due date of the activity. So…
Email Attachments
Hi everyone if you are emailing a customer from a deal and you what to attach a file that is also in that deal how do you do it with out downloading it first ? I have tried to drag but it doesn't work for me
Controlling emails added to Pipedrive with LABELS
I'm a little confused. From what I can tell, you can either have ALL emails synced into pipedrive, which doesn't seem sensible considering there could be sensitive information/data that you wouldn't want ending up on a foreign system that they can access ... OR You control what emails are transferred via the use of Labels.…
Is it possible to stylise Teams Meeting Invites in Pipedrive?
I'm having the same issue as mentioned in the discussion linked below. https://community.pipedrive.com/discussion/9455/microsoft-teams-integration Does anyone know if it's possible to stop the teams meeting style turning to the times new roman like it does currently?
Import from Spreadsheet: Adding values to multi option fields instead of replacing them
We are regularly doing webinars and sending out postal mailings to our customers and leads. For that, we have custom multi option fields so we can label who took part in an event or received a mailing. The problem is, once I import an Excel list that says, person A received Mailing XY, then the previous value of the field…
Netsuite & Pipedrive integration is here- asking for feedback
Hello Pipedrive Community! 🙂 I am a Sr. Channel Manager in the U.S.A, 🇺🇸 nice to meet you all :) I would appreciate your feedback on Netsuite. Have you lost a pipedrive customer or prospect" due to not having the capability to integrate successfully with Netsuite? Reason being, my global partner Faye…
Relational Fields
It would be great to have relational fields that only display when a core field is filled with a certain answer. For example: Field 1 is Business Type with Single Option Select of End User, Partner, etc If Partner is selected additional fields 1a and 1b would display for additional information e.g. Accreditations and…
Manage country for Contacts as a code not as a text
In Pipedrive, "Country of address" is a kind of magic field that is filled automatically by Google when your type the address or when you import contacts. If you use Pipedrive with the UI in French, the country field is filled in French. If your UI is in english, the field is filled in English. So you have some contacts…