Sometimes you just have to realize that the best answer is often the simplest and over complicating things can just make it more messy. We were kind struggling with how to organize our database from a person and organization standpoint in certain instances. Organization : property management company Person: property…
Calendar sync - looking best practises
Hi, I am looking for best practise how to sync my calendar with pipedrive. Problem I do not want to create calendar event and then replicate same work in pipedrive. Issues I just need specific events in my calendar to be synced and I do not want to create multiple calendars. Also the ability to choose, where the activity…
Behavior or activities add on help Marketplace
On a daily basis, we don't track dollars/sales we track behaviors/activities. Sales will follow. Looking for marketplace app that can help. ie Daily/Weekly ; 50 cold calls/day; 2 facebook post/day; call 2 past prospects; call 3 past customer etc. Would like it to so variance and maybe input resulting sales. Any ideas on a…
Webforms that work in China
I have tried to use several of the webform that sync to Pipedrive from China. They all work but the loading performance when the user goes to the form is so poor we cannot use them. Has anyone found any China companies that offer forms that sync with Pipedrive?
Ich habe eine Frage zu Label Funktion in Pipedrive ( siehe Video )
Danke Ich habe weitere Labels vergeben. Sie tauchen aber in der Workflow Automation nicht auf. Nur die 4 Standard Label sind dort. Gruß Florian https://www.loom.com/share/0599ddbba49742aa93867299ca6e9dc9
🧠 Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 3 - Get Your Pipeline Stages Right | 📽️ 2 minutes
https://www.youtube.com/embed/yKqM-IcmtCATo define the stages of your sales pipeline, you need to work out the stages in your sales process that your team follows to get customers. Doing this saves time and gets everyone in sync. It also helps you set more specific activity goals. In today's chapter, Pipedrive Co-founder…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 동시 로그인 제한
질문: 파이프드라이브 로그인하려는데 다음과 같은 에러가 나오면서 로그인이 막혔어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브는 동일한 ID로 최대 3대의 기기에 동시 로그인 할 수 있습니다. 위와 같은 에러메시지가 발생하면 이전에 로그인한 파이프드라이브 계정을 로그아웃하세요. --- 내 ID로 로그인한 모든 기기를 보려면 다음과 같이 진행하세요. * 프로필 아이콘 클릭하여 '개인환경설정' 선택하고 * '설정' - '내 장치' - '활성 디바이스' 선택 여기서 원치 않는 기기는 로그아웃 할 수 있습니다.
Do you know which channel your prospects like to be reached out on?
CRM Requirments
Hi community wanted to see if I could get some help in the following requirments our business has when it comes to a CRM. We are evaluation other options too (SFDC, Superoffice, Hubspot). I personally prefer Pipedrive but wanted to see if anyone had advice on the stuff below: * Tracking customer documents in the same…
Creating a marketing campaign with customers that have previously done business or shown interest (q
I'd like to be able to export a list of lapsed customers or contacts that have previously contacted our company. I have tried doing this with filters, but where there are multiple contacts for a company there may be some contacts that have requested a quotation a long time ago, and yet other contacts have regular contact.…
👀 Have you seen the Pipedrive Academy yet?
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/2Kc9K4SV3kHuf51N5z19Ca? If you didn't know - now you do. The Pipedrive Academy is where you can see all of our video content in one place without any distractions. You can learn all the basics of Pipedrive plus access a lot more How-To content and webinars. 🧠 So if you enjoy a…
Mailigen Subscribers from multiple sources
Ok, So we are getting started with Mailigen and I have a question about if something can be accomplished. We will have a newsletter that goes out and we want it to go to a group of people that originate from pipedrive and also that originated from an imported spreadsheet directly into mailigen because we don't want a…
Tracking projects after a win. How do you use Pipedrive to manage lets say assigning tasks to your p
I work for a LED lighting manufacturer. We currently use Copper, and I want us to move to Pipedrive. Copper has a section for Projects, things that have to happen after a sale happens (ours has To Do, In Progress, and Done in a board view). Is there anything like that in Pipedrive? I know there is an integration to Trello,…
Send won conversions to Google Analytics
Hello, Pipedrive community! I have a question about pipedrive-GA integration. When WON, how can I pass this event to google analytics goals? I know there are third services that offer data integration. But I couldn't find specific events with WON there. You would really help me.
email lists label
If you are adding a custom field to your people records to define which email lists they will be a part of you can get a little fancy by adding a trademark label to the field description. On a mac press option and the number 2 for ™.
Almost no one wants to interact with our chatbot. Does anyone have similar experiences or ideas on h
Question: How to track leads that are converted to deals
I have many deals that are converted from leads. Then how can I see only these deals in pipeline view? I'd like to measure the efficiency of leads, and I'd like to know the ratio of leads converted to deals.
Mehrere Standorte eines Unternehmens / Multiple locations to one organisation
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit einer Organisation mehrere Standtorte zuzuweisen? Im konkreten Fall sollen unsere Ansprechpartner Adressen zu einem z.B Weihnachtsmailing über einen Filter ausgegeben werden. So weit so gut & einfach. Allerdings sitzen verschiedene Ansprechpartner bei einigen Unternehmen an verschiedenen…
VDI-Podiumsdiskussion zur Zukunft des Vetriebs-Außendienstes
Als Pipedrive-User leite ich den Arbeitskreis "Technischer Vertrieb" im VDI Dresdner Bezirksverein. Wir organisieren am 28. Januar um 16 Uhr eine Podiumsdiskussion "Kontaktfreier Vertrieb - Konsequenzen in 2021". Dabei diskutiere ich mit den Vertriebsleitern der T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, der enviaTEL und einem…
List Making - Best Practices
Maybe I'm overthinking this one but, this is why I love the community. I wanted to get everyones thoughts on some list making. One of my organizations sells into many different verticals (Public Safety, Sports, Airports etc). So we've created a custom drop down for this which works great but, we're looking to get a little…
Email to as deal owner rather than limited options?
Any idea on how I can have the email sent to the owner of the deal that is associated with the activity rather than the activity creator?
Deal moves to different organisation
Hi everyone, I'm having a lot of issues with deals changing to different organisations when a contact moves to a new company. I walked through this problem a couple of months ago with someone from the Help team but didn't really solve it. For example, Joe Smith moves from ABC organisation to DEF organisation. When I look…
🧠 Set the Right Kind of Goals - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 2 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/asjT8AY5WE4In this chapter you'll learn why it's important to set activity-based sales goals and how you do it. Setting activity-based goals helps you deal better with rejection and focus on the deals that are important. It also helps you plan your day and work out what you need to do to close…
Correct format for Zapier Webhook POST Leads OBJECT Value
Hi there I apologise in advance if this post is short. But I wrote up a lengthy explanation and somehow it didn't get posted. So what I am trying to do is take Gravity Form data and push into PD as a LEAD with as many fields filled. In particular I am wanting to add the value to the LEAD when it is created. I get an error…