"Clicked 2 times" -- Summary Report?
I lvoe the fact that I can see how many times -- and when! -- my contacts have viewed links I embed in my emails! GREAT! Here is what I'm talking about: So, at the moment, I can, * Choose a contact, * Open an email * Look at the embeded link and examine the pop up * IT WORKS GREAT! Thank you! However! ;) I would love to be…
How do I keep Regular Users from seeing specific deals in a Pipeline?
Any tips would be helpful.
Check box fields in Leadbooster.
Today it's been the first day we've used LeadBooster. Unfortunately we've found out something that makes the product inviable for us. We can not add a check box field type which is a must for GDPR compliance (at least in Spain). The user has to check the box to make the send button workable, so we cannot skip this…
Join the Pipedrive Roundtable!
Join our Roundtable for Tips and Tricks later today at 08:30 - 09:30 PST / 16:30 - 17:30 CET! Friday, every two weeks, we get together and improve our Pipedrive Skills! For an invite, send an E-Mail to jeremy.gulley@strategtech.com or j.lubahn@the-platform-group.com. Topics include: - Managing many deals and activities at…
how can I create a reacurring slot in my pipedrive calender
Edycja daty zamknięcia szansy - Pomocy!!!
Jak mogę edytować daty sprzedaży w ostatnich miesiącach? Czy można edytować sprzedaż w zamkniętym miesiącu? Zdarza się, że muszę dodawać zyski, a nie znalazłam odpowiedniej opcji. Wszystkie moje próby to porażka. Będę wdzięczna za pomoc.
Chat bot & Live Chat tips needed!
We have recently introduced the Chat Bot > Live Chat feature onto our platform as a way to boost lead generation and to gather CSAT feedback. However, we are keen to 'see it in action' or have some examples before we settle on the flow we use, message types, waiting times etc. Is there anyone here that would be willing to…
Drafting mails from PipeDrive: layout issues
How are you experiencing drafting mails from Pipedrive and do you have any solutions on layout-issues? I feel limited by the lack of any editing possibilities regarding fonts, sizes etc. Especially when copy-pasting text from other sources. Ps.: advanced license
⏰ Event: The secret behind the success of the Estonian startup scene, by Startup Hungary | March 18t
📌 Csongor Biás (Startup Hungary) and Ragnar Sass (Pipedrive, Lift99) sit down for a fireside chat in ClubHouse and discuss the magic recipe that has made so many startups from Estonia succeed worldwide. Enroll here. ⚡ Follow Events to never miss a beat of what's in your industry's calendar! ⚡ Channels you might be…
We just acquired another company who uses pipedrive as well. How can I import their existing pipeli
New: Community notifications and Product updates in Sales Assistant 📝
What? We've made your life easier and now you can keep track of what's going on here in Community without leaving Pipedrive, including product updates: they will show up as notifications in your Sales Assistant (SA). For whom? All plans, all users with the new Sales Assistant Beta enabled. How does it work? * Community…
What is the best process for this kind of automation?
I want to automate a bunch of Activities (say around 10) that happen in successively longer periods of time. For example when a Deal enters and new Stage, I want to follow up after 1 day, then 2 days, then 3 days, and so on. I could add them all at once, but it seems clunky to have 10 Activities all scheduled at the same…
🧠 Unpleasant Things Get Results - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 10 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/vONsJfLHwiw?ref=community_postRejection is an important part of sales. Making contact with nicer prospects, like mid-level managers is easier and conversations less stressful but you will not sell very much as you're not dealing with any decision-makers or influencers. Learn how to make the…
For those that have renewal contract like us. We deal mostly in 1, 2, and 3 year contracts for our services in 2 of 3 divisions. We have a custom deal details field called 'Source' with options: Renewal, Cold Call, Email campaign, Referral, client request, post card, truck, yard sign, social media, etc. This works very…
Will hitting reply forward the original email?
Help! I am fairly new to Pipedrive and and struggling with simple things like how to send a quick follow-up email on top of the original email. HItting Reply doesnt seem to send the original too although they appear as connected in pipedrive.
파이프드라이브 가이드: '분기별 생성 진행중 거래 보기' 필터 설정
질문: 파이프라인 필터에서 '이번 분기', '지난 분기' 이외에 다른 분기를 보려면 어떻게 해야 하나요. 답변: 분기에 해당하는 날짜를 직접 입력하여 필터를 생성할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, '2020년 1분기 생성하여 아직도 진행중인 거래'는 다음 세가지 조건을 모두 만족해야 합니다. * 현재 상태가 '진행중 open' * 생성일자가 2020년 1월 1일 이후 (2020년 1월 1일 포함) * 생성일자가 2020년 4월 1일 이전 위 세가지를 모두 AND 조건 연결하는 필터 만드는 방법은 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요. 마찬가지로 '2020년 2분기 생성하여 아직도 진행중인…
comment être conforme RGPD ?
secAvec le système d'automatisation d'envoi d'email il n'y a aucun bouton qui ne permette de faire en sorte que la personne qui reçoive l'email puisse se désinscrire de la liste des prospects et ne plus recevoir d'email. savez-vous comment faire ? Merci
400 medlemmar i Pipedrive Sverige gruppen
Nu har vi passerat 400 medlemmar i Pipedrive Sverige gruppen. Riktigt kul! Nu på väg mot 500.
How to split a contact name into first- and surname
I understand from the forum that the fuction to split contact names into first- and surname needs to be enabled individually. Can this be done via this request?
Cold emailing structure in pipedrive - Leads or deals? Let's discuss best practises
Hi pipedrivers, I am working on new process. Basically we have list of people in PD and our salesman goes and calls these people. There is some process and at the end the response is either yes, no, not now but in future, no response. I am thinking, what is the best practise, currently there are 3 possibilities: * keep…
Empty pipeline
Dear amazing ladies and gentlemen, I'm totally new to pipedrive. I'm a sales rep and my company added me to their account. My pipeline is still empty though. Question: Why is that? And do I NEED to complete the entire setup before to import the leads? A big thank you in advance. Roberto
🧠 Make Time For Prospecting - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 9 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/087zHpE2YT0* ?ref=community_postThe most effective way to have a healthy pipeline is to effectively manage your time. This means making time for all the essential sales activities, including prospecting. However, it can be hard to find time for prospecting, especially if you feel like you…
Besuchsbericht mit Pipedrive möglich?
Hallo Pipedrive Channel, ich habe eine Abteilung übernommen und möchte nun erstmalig Pipedrive als CRM nutzen und etablieren. Da ich auch Außendienstler im Team habe, möchte ich gerne auch Besuchsberichte einführen. Kann ich in Pipedrive irgendwie (klassische) Besuchsberichte erstellen? Also: Mit wem und wann getroffen,…
1-click edit for Notes/Activities etc.
Hi Pipedrive team, In order to edit an Activity, you have to click in the top right-hand corner > find the Modify button > then type. Can we have sth like * double-clicking an Activity/note... edits it * maybe a keyboard shortcut like "e" in Confluence that lets you Edit a document * Or at least a quick Edit button I…
Convert to deal
Hi everyone, * We would need to access 'convert to deal' trigger as certain things should happen with the 'convert to deal' button has been created. * Unable to show/hide custom fields in 'convert to deal' screen. @Mike van der Valk