🧠 Plug the Leaks in Your Pipeline - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 6 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/LtQ2I8O3eSwLearn why plugging the leaks in your sales pipeline is an important step if you want to increase your closing rate in this video. The 4 key steps: * Work with the right people. * Go before you’re invited. * Drop the wrong prospect as soon as possible. * Get to know your potential…
אוטומציות בין סמוב לפייפדרייב
Hi friends! I want to create automations for creating and / or updating contacts between Pipedrive and Smoove. I want either one to pull data from the other, and update fields or create new contact, if none exists. My contacts have custom fields. The main one which I am getting a headache from is the events history. I want…
Looking for Inspiration
We have been working with Pipedrive and we like it a lot. But we are curious on how other business are making use of Pipedrive, therefore I would like to get in touch to get inspired...:-)
This has some great Potential for a Sales Recovery of Lost Deals.
This has some great Potential for a Sales Recovery of Lost Deals. When looking to recover work from the lost transactions, utilizing leads-Beta Version. Recovering lost work and bringing back to Teams sales Pipeline. https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/crnlcDS3RF
Ist der Versand von Kalt-E-Mails nach wie vor der beste Weg, um neue Leads zu erreichen? 💡
Die aktuellen Anpassungen der Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung (DSGVO) von 2016 hat Änderungen bei der Art und Weise, wie wir Kalt-E-Mails verfassen und versenden, mit sich gebracht. Sind diese nach einigen Jahren der Adaptierung immer noch der beste Weg, um neue Interessenten zu erreichen oder erzielen Sie mit anderen…
Data Works, And Then It Doesn’t. A Salesperson’s Look At 2021 Planning.
One of the truths in sales is that repetitiveness is the path to oblivion, both for your company and your role as a manager. With the new year here, take time to hit that refresh button and look at your forecast with a critical pair of eyes. Don’t assume anything. Don’t think you control your market or customers. Let the…
Synchronized Outlook Account
Hello everybody, i need help. My E- mail account doesn´t sync with Pipedrive. When i re-authenticate my email adress, it shows an error message. What is the next step? Greets Anna
Set up question for a Business Broker
Hi everyone, I'm a business broker and my deals represent companies that I'm helping to sell. I associate my client (the seller) with each deal, but I'm struggling with associating and tracking each buyer with a deal. Buyers are often associated with multiple deals and will have a different status with each deal (i.e. "NDA…
The ‘Friday’ Opportunity: Big Data Shows The Day With The Biggest Sales Potential
Wednesday (hey, look at that, it's today!) is the international day of closing and working really really hard, seemingly agreed upon by most salespeople all over the world. There’s no agreement about the best day to sell or prospect. Even Monday, which has the reputation for being a “bad” day for closing, is the best…
Best way to track our success against our sales competition?
I am curious about the best way to track our success against our competition. My team regularly competes against 2-3 usual suspects. I understand I can do this through custom fields, but I would need to jump into the professional plan. Is this the only way? Should I consider the label feature? I would also like to consider…
Create deal in another pipeline automatically when marked as won
New to Pipedrive. I can't figure out how to create a new deal in my Commissions pipeline when I mark a deal as 'Won'. Suggestions?
Reopen an already won deal and mark it as won again
Hi all, How do you prevent reopening a deal that has already been won? The possibility to reopen a deal from the last reporting period and mark it as won again allows to influence forecasts and evaluations. Unfortunately, there is no way to restrict that by user rights. Andri Annuka gave us a good tip to use automation to…
Telefoniprogram og Pipedrive
Hei! Dette går ut til mine norskspråklige "kolleger" i pipedrive systemet. Jeg har sett at Pipedrive har flere add ons iform av telfoniløsninger (automatisk sms, etc), men sliter med å finne noe som tillater norske numre. Noen her som bruker noe/har forslag? Ønsker en løsning der, når jeg har sendt pris til kunde og…
What is the best calling app from to use from Germany / Europe?
Email Integrations with O365
I am looking for a very simple email integration with Pipedrive for predefined Email Campaigns, automation, triggers, etc. Very simple and ideally I would like it to send the email thru our Office 365 servers vs 3rd party like mailChimp style. They are one off, small quantity so would rather not have the newsletter style…
Multiple pipelines and auto converting
Hey everyone, I`m trying to resolve one headache :) Have multiple pipelines for my deals, they are based on different cities. Tried setting up workflow automation to trigger auto converting from lead to deal and made it, but there is no chance I can define what pipeline deal should belong to. How can I resolve this? Thanks!
Thursday Topic: Community Tips & Settings
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/XLX4F37tcwTzTpUK233FT5?Inception! This Thursday's topic is Community Tips & Settings: have the Community experience you want, tailored to your interests and your time. Did you know you can control when and where you get Community notifications? The video above will walk you through…
Google SSO - Thoughts?
Hello, I'm working with a group that is looking for single sign on usage and I don't have much experience. Wondering if anyone uses Google SSO for Pipedrive (or any other service)? Also, looking to understand the downfalls and what I might be missing? What is the difference between sign-in with Google verse setting up the…
Nu kan du i Pipedrive se vem som besöker din webbplats
Pipedrive samarbetar med många andra SaaS företag. Ett exempel på detta är Leadfeeder. Här har Pipedrive tagit in en "strippad" Leadfeeder och skapat "Web Visitors" (Webbesökare i den svenska versionen). Dock inte med Leadfeeders fulla funktionalitet. Vill du ha den får du fortfarande köpa Leadfeeder men det fina är att då…
A Sales Engine that Drives Customer Relationships, Part 1 Customer Facing Components
https://academy.dotankdo.com/blog/a-sales-engine-that-drives-customer-relationships-part-1-customer-facing-components/ Thought I'd share my sales blog on growing the value you deliver to your customers by elevating and/or changing the relationship you have with them. Would love to hear what you think & your feedback. In…
Are there any organizations here that are in the K12 Vertical space? I would love to see how you are working around uploading District/Schools and how you map them.
Deal/Lead automation
Hi I'm new to pipedrive, but trying to figure out how to automatically move deals through my pipeline – not based on activities. For example, when my customers have filled out an online registration form on my website, I would like the deal to move to a new stage. The obvious way I thought to do this is: TRIGGER:…
Mailigen Syncbot to Pipedrive actions
Great Interaction with Pipedrive support yesterday. I was typing up an internal note but I figured to share. I am thinking of putting all my pipedrive notes on posts so I can have everything in one place and share a little bit of knowledge. Mailigen syncbot to pipedrive supports - The options are that you can: * - Create…
Creating a report of deals that lack certain information
Hey, I tried my best but failed so far. I'd like to create a report (a list view) of all the deals that lack certain information like Lead Source (custom single option select field). My need is to: - Be able to create a list of deals that are missing f.e. Lead Source information so I can give it to my Sales Reps so they…
🧠 How to Add More Deals - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 4 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/doWLnPT9N3MThis video is about the first of 4 levers of pipeline flow: adding new conversations to keep your pipeline flowing. Timo also outlines the 3 steps to having a healthy sales pipeline and explains that you need to continue to find new sales opportunities in order to put new…