Strange behavior on Automations
I've created a simple workflow: when I add a label on a contact, send to it an email using a template. Simple and it works great! (I use it to send email to new leads when I intercept them, record on Pipedrive and change a custom field to trigger the automation... but this is not important now :-) ) The "problem" is that…
Is there are way to get all synced emails through API ?
I want to extract synced emails data for each deal. How can I get this data with an API ?
Email visibility of the team workers on deals
Hi everybody ! Hope your sales are rocking ! Would need a little help from you, I can't figure out why I don't see the history of sent emails when I open a deal attributed to one of my sales rep.. The visibility is for all the company, I see the activities but not the mails. Thanks for your help !
Is there a way of automatically setting an email to 'Private' automatically even if the default is t
Is there a way of automatically setting an email to 'Private' automatically even if the default is to share? Perhaps a tag on the email or even a BCC'd additional address?
Gostaria de poder sincronizar contatos de mais de uma conta de e-mail? Would you like to be able to
Gostaria de poder sincronizar contatos de mais de uma conta de e-mail? Would you like to be able to sync contacts from more than one email account?
Problème de synchronisation courriel
Bonjour, Mes courriels n'ont pas fini de synchroniser depuis 2 jours. Qu'est-ce que je peux faire svp?
Reply.io, Pipedrive, and Smart BCC
* I've set it up so a new deal is created in Pipedrive, after someone respond's to a Reply.io campaign. * I've also created a "Smart BCC" so that every response that comes in is forwarded to the pipedrive email. Why is it that when a deal is created, the email chain is not also attached to the deal automatically?
Email tracking for email campaigns?
Hi, I'm new here and wanted to know if there's the option of email campaigns/tracking with Pipedrive?
Mail sync stopped working It won't let me reauthenticate or create a new account.
Unable to send out emails
I am unable to send out emails. Can somebody help me? I am able to recive emails.
Office 365 Sync and Junk (Spam) emails
Hi folks! Why is it that Pipedrive is syncing all the junk I receive? Notice those spam emails in my Junk Mail ("Lixo Eletrônico" in Portuguese) folder? Here they are in Pipedrive's Inbox, in all their spammy glory :-) Am I missing something? Currently I have it set to "sync all email folders" - but I'd expect Pipedrive to…
This is how you get more meetings for your cold outreach
Hello pipedrive community, we did a 5 minutes interview with Belal Batrawy (exited 7 startups, multiple sales leadership roles) on how to get the maximum from your cold outreach. In his usual no-fluff style, he talked about - * Why cold outreach is almost like climbing up a mountain * Why most cold outreach emails fail to…
How Pipedrive manage new emails to get linked with active deals? (user cases)
I understand that when a new email arrives, Pipedrive look for that email in the data base, and if so, will link to a deal if there is "one" deal active. But what happens when that person has multiple deals? How Pipedrive is working to "decide" to which deal it should link? Or in this case Pipedrive is not able to link the…
Mail trigger
Hi Guys, I'm trying to build to mail funnel with pipedrive. In some cases, e-mails get back. I need to use those e-mails (with certain content) to trigger a next step. Any idea how I can do this with pipedrive or zapier?
BCC email not properly assigned to organization or person
I have problems with the functionality to add emails to an organisation or contact automatically. So I add the "BCC email address" to an email to a prospect, who's email address is registered in pipedrive . But the email is not always shown in the organization or the individual, and is stuck in the generic email function…
Severe problems with Nylas service (Sync to Google/Exchange)
Hi everyone, who else has problems using Pipedrive's Sync by Nylas to Googel (Calendar) and/or Microsoft Exchange email? We're facing problems regularly due to lost authentification an connection to Google and Microsoft services. Support is not able or willing to help. Thanks in advance Stefan
Setting Email Default to "Shared"
My emails default to "private". I am able to change them to shared, but it's tedious. Is there a way to change this default to "shared"?
How can I default add an email in the cc for all the emails?
For every email, I need to keep my group id in the cc. Right now I have to add it manually to all my emails. Is there a way I can keep an cc email same for all my emails?
Pipedrive does not synchronize with my Outlook account
Hi all! I have problems to get my Outlook mail account synchronized with Pipedrive (via Google Chrome) current versions. I followed your knowledge base, disconnected and re-connected my Outlook account, checked the configuration, but the problem still remains. After re-connection, a test mail is generated and appears both…
Lead Management
Lead Management and Generation is an important section of my business. I'm very happy that PD had introduced "Lead Inbox". After some weeks of using it, these are the first suggestions: * Note Field. It could be very important to add an automatic date/time section to track WHEN I write a note or any update * Email. At the…
Stampa dei messaggi di posta
Ho notato che quando stampo le email, sia inviate che ricevute, non appaiono nella stampo gli allegati. Inoltre, se stampo una email ricevuta nel giorno stesso in cui la stampo, la data riporta solamente l'ora e non la data. Capita anche a voi? Ci sono delle impostazioni particolari per far si che siano visibili? gb :-)
Linked Emails
Would like to know the level of Privacy for Emails linked to a deal. So if we keep the emails that already linked to a deal as "Private" if we go to the deal, the owner of that specific deal can't see the emails unless he tags it as "shared". Now, what is the level of Privacy when the linked emails is shared? will the…
Bulk emails with merge
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to send an email with fields (#firstname) to multiple contacts, either by selecting them manually from the contact list or by using a field. I think I found the video I want but then I get a "video not found" message. This seems super simple ... can anyone help?
Delayed email send
Does anybody know if Pipedrive has plans to send emails at a specific time, not just when you hit send? I like to write my emails in the morning but have them delivered in the afternoon.
Does anyone else think the email integration is constantly behind and emails sometimes take hours to
Does anyone else think the email integration is constantly behind and emails sometimes take hours to come through? Support has been working on a solution for more than a month.
Track the speed of response when we receive an enquiry
Hi is there any way to track the speed of response when we receive an enquiry? I see the email stats that allow for tracking number of emails received, but we want to know how quickly these are being replied to Does PD have this capability?