Pipedrive does not synchronize with my Outlook account
Hi all! I have problems to get my Outlook mail account synchronized with Pipedrive (via Google Chrome) current versions. I followed your knowledge base, disconnected and re-connected my Outlook account, checked the configuration, but the problem still remains. After re-connection, a test mail is generated and appears both…
Lead Management
Lead Management and Generation is an important section of my business. I'm very happy that PD had introduced "Lead Inbox". After some weeks of using it, these are the first suggestions: * Note Field. It could be very important to add an automatic date/time section to track WHEN I write a note or any update * Email. At the…
Stampa dei messaggi di posta
Ho notato che quando stampo le email, sia inviate che ricevute, non appaiono nella stampo gli allegati. Inoltre, se stampo una email ricevuta nel giorno stesso in cui la stampo, la data riporta solamente l'ora e non la data. Capita anche a voi? Ci sono delle impostazioni particolari per far si che siano visibili? gb :-)
Linked Emails
Would like to know the level of Privacy for Emails linked to a deal. So if we keep the emails that already linked to a deal as "Private" if we go to the deal, the owner of that specific deal can't see the emails unless he tags it as "shared". Now, what is the level of Privacy when the linked emails is shared? will the…
Bulk emails with merge
For the life of me I cannot figure out how to send an email with fields (#firstname) to multiple contacts, either by selecting them manually from the contact list or by using a field. I think I found the video I want but then I get a "video not found" message. This seems super simple ... can anyone help?
Delayed email send
Does anybody know if Pipedrive has plans to send emails at a specific time, not just when you hit send? I like to write my emails in the morning but have them delivered in the afternoon.
Does anyone else think the email integration is constantly behind and emails sometimes take hours to
Does anyone else think the email integration is constantly behind and emails sometimes take hours to come through? Support has been working on a solution for more than a month.
Track the speed of response when we receive an enquiry
Hi is there any way to track the speed of response when we receive an enquiry? I see the email stats that allow for tracking number of emails received, but we want to know how quickly these are being replied to Does PD have this capability?
Is it possible to use specific expressions in Portuguese language ("Prezado | Prezada" or "Sr. | Sra
unlink an email from a deal and link it to another one
Hi, When unlinking an email inside a deal, we should have an automatic pop up to link it to another deal. Instead, presently, the email disappears from the deal as expected but if you want it to be linked to another deal, you have to look for it back into the Inbox or the archive in Pipedrive mail... Not very practical.…
Sent emails not appearing in People "Done" list
When I send an e-mail from Pipedrive it doesn't appear in the People contact Done area. Sometimes it appears hours or days later, but not always. Is there a setting that I am missing? Older emails are populating in that same area that were originally sent via Outlook.
What happened to the new email integration?
I was invited to join the (MUCH needed) new email integration trial; but, can't seem to find it. The existing email integration has all but stopped working. HELP PLEASE! Thanks!!
Monta käyttäjää samalla sähköpostilla
Tervehdys kaikille! Olemme uusia pipedrive käyttäjiä ja ongelmaksi on muodostunut se, että samalla sähköpostilla on useita käyttäjiä. Millä tavalla olette järjestäneet tämän? Haluaisimme yhdestä sähköpostista, johon ohjautuu useasta eri lokaatiosta tarjouspyyntöjä, pitää sellaisenaan ja ohjata täältä pipen avulla…
Speeding up your sales process with Email Sync!
In these challenging times, many people are working and selling remotely and are completely changing their outreach strategies. We have done a webinar session to talk about: * Better set up your Email Sync configuration * Use Email Tracking to approach leads with perfect timing * Speed up your sales process using Email…
How can I change the font size in the signature?
How can I change the font size in the signature?
Email Synch
New (ish) to Pipedrive. We have multiple travel agents each with their own OUTLOOK subfolder. Moving to pipedrive, which is better, linking each subfolder or having one folder for all stuff linking to Pipedrive? At present, OUTLOOK rules move incoming and outgoing messages into the related subfolder
Emails Sent from Within Pipedrive Not Attaching
We have just noticed emails sent using the email address in Pipedrive are not attaching to the Deal. This has only just started happening since we did an update last Friday Night. Any suggestions on possible solutions?
Question on mass email, activity, and report tracking in one go.
Does anyone know how to send a mass email that is connected to the activity tab and can be tracked? After sending a mass email, the activity of it wasn't tracked, I couldn't pull up a list of the people I had sent emails to either.
"bcc"-based email tracking
To track emails, Pipedrive uses a bcc (something like "ACCOUNTDOMAIN@pipedrivemail.com"). Other CRMs (like Copper) appear to deliver the same tracking functionality w/o bcc, which I believe is a better approach. I think it would be great if Pipedrive moved to a bcc-free approach. What do other users think?
Change the date of mails
Sometimes I forget to forward mails of my clients to Pipedrive. When I do it a few days (or weeks ;-) ) later, the forwarded mail appears in the activities according to the date I have transferred it to Pipedrive. Is there any chance to manipulate the date in Pipedrive to bring it into the order of the actual timeline?…
Can Pipedrive pull in emails from O365 and create contacts?
Hi, Our company has a sales inbox at a corporate O365 email account. Prospects email it directly. I am trying to automate the creation of a new person, deal, and activity when we receive emails to that inbox. What is the best way to do this? I am experimenting with forwarding to the universal bcc address but without any…
Format-check an email template + fix strange looking signature?
Hi, 1. How do I format check a text I have in a template? It LOOKS ok when I copy+paste it but wan't to make sure especially when I add a field (First name) that it also looks good when sent. I believe there is a way to mark the text and then a short command to remove formatting to make sure it's good to go? But what is…
Assign email to contact
Hello community. I am a new user to pipedrive. I am struggling to figure out how to assign an email to a contact if I did not send the email from pipedrive and I want to do this after the fact. Any suggestions?
Email sent opened by yourself counted as viewed by them.
Did anyone notice that if you open the email you sent to a prospect, pipedrive will count it as you opening it. Or is it just me?
Mail forwarding on the Pipe doesn't work anymore
Hello, We can't send an email with the adress of the offer anymore. The email is not in the pipe. Our sending email adress : sales@agoralys.com
Synchronisation compte Outlook
Bonjour Chère communauté, Je tourne en rond avec la synchronisation de mon compte Outlook. J'utilise tes outils IOS. Je me retrouve dans les configurations suivantes : #1: Outlook paramétré avec la vérification en deux étapes. * synchro Pipedrive =ok * Mail sous mes postes de travail IOS ne se synchronise plus #2: Outlook…