Connect many deals to a single product
I am trying to upload a spreadsheet with customers who have purchased my products. I want to be able to see everyone who has purchased a specific product, within that product. Please can you advise how I can automate this? Thanks in advance
Contact import issues
Hello, I imported 40 contacts into Pipedrive using an Excel document. In the Excel doc, I created a custom data field to be imported with each contact. I mapped it on the fields during import. However, when I check the individual contacts, the data field is there, but the content is not populating for each contact. Also,…
List all participants to a deal
Currently, each deal has a primary person and bunch of participants. We're trying to generate a list of all participants to a filtered list of deals - the use case is to output a list of names and email addresses that we can load into Hubspot or MixMax to run a campaign. Searching on the Deal page only gives info on the…
Bulk Import Products Into Deals via CSV
This is a CRM - I would like to know what my customers have ordered in the past so when they call I don't take 5 mins to pull together their order history. Can Pipedrive please add the ability to add multiple products to deals via CSV import? Our ability to slice and dice this data and upsell customers based on previous…
New: Files feature released today 🚀 Files Global Export
Hi, I’m Pedro Franco from the Files feature team, and I wanted to let you know that we’ve released the files global export functionality. What will you get with this release? Have the ability to export the data related to the files for your company in Global Export page under Tools and Apps The exported excel/csv will…
Label Leads during Upload
I greatly appreciate Pipedrive's flexibility when it comes to uploading from spreadsheets. The fact that we can correct where data fields belong in a simple manner is wonderful. That is why I was shocked to learn that when uploading Leads you cannot include a Lead - Label (Hot, warm, cold, etc) in the upload. You can do it…
Merging Duplicates in PD -> Can we choose individual fields instead of all or nothing?
When merging an organization or contact in Pipedrive the system will ask if you'd like to keep Organization A or Organization B, but what if Organization A has the correct address and Organization B has the correct phone number? I would like the option to choose which individual fields to keep and which to overwrite. I…
Bonjour, Est il possible d'extraire toutes les adresses mails des mails que j'ai envoyé
J'aimerais récupérer toutes les adresses mails pour lesquelles j'ai adressé un mail. Certaines n'ont pas toujours été crées ni enregistrées sous un contact, ni dans une affaire. Merci pour votre retour.
Importing contacts into Pipedrive with 3 key fields.. how?
Hallo, I am trying to import a lot of customer details into Pipedrive. The problem I am having is that I need to create separate entries for organizations depending on unique "suppliers" I have all the data in spreadsheets and, try as I may, I cannot find a way to create new organizations in Pipedrive distinguished by a…
Contacts eMail filed contains multiple values (work, home, others) that can't be filtered, used on w
When one contact has more than one mail we face multiple issues: * The options Work, Home and Other are not enaugh.* For example, it does not allow to check one email address as "old" for one contact, and if we delete the email address because it's not longer valid, we lose the mail thread with that contact. People change…
Importing Organisation relationships
It would be really handy if via an import you can assign the organisation relationship, currently workarounds have to be made which takes you away from using the native relationship management feature, also because you cannot do anything with that feature, apart from viewing and exporting via the back end. I have a client…
Address field not found by Google Maps
I have a problem.. When I import organizations Pipedrive takes my address fields and combines them into a single field. This is fine as the original data fields are still available. The data is combined as follows: Street/City/Zip/Country In Germany and most of Europe it should be: Street/Zip/City/Country Here's the…
Importing creates Deals.. I am not adding a deal field.. why, how?
I am trying to import 25,000 named individuals and around 15,000 companies. Everything works fine. Companies are created in Pipedrive and the individual people are added to those companies and it looks great. But for each company and person a new "Deal" is created automatically. I do not want this. I am importing from a…
How to export lost deals
Dear all, I have the following view that shows a list of my leads. I would now like to export this list with a notion of whether the deal is lost or not (red mark). Any thoughts on how I can achieve this? kr, Marc
What does '(Subscription) HTTP request is not valid' error mean during an import
What does '(Subscription) HTTP request is not valid' error mean during a bulk data import
Import lead labels
Currently it's not possible to import labels when importing leads. We have some automations running based on labels, it would be useful that we can import them directly.
How to export lost deals
Dear all, I have the following view that shows a list of my leads. I would now like to export this list with a notion of whether the deal is lost or not (red mark). Any thoughts on how I can achieve this? kr, Marc
ZoomInfo imports to Pipedrive (integrated process)
Hi Team, I often use our ZoomInfo (ZI) platform to identify our business leads. This tool is integrated with Pipedrive (PD), exports my contacts to our PD account. However, once I select the export from ZI system to PD, I am not sure where they are held for further details to add. Help please.
Duplication Rule on Email is Broken
The default duplication rule on contacts (name + any of primary email, phone number or organization) does not really work for us, since we regularly update contacts from their submissions of registration forms. And people misspell their names surprisingly often. They rarely misspell their email addresses though, because…
Keap to Pipedrive - Tags for email automations how to?
Hello, we are commiting to migrating from KEAP to Pipedrive but our biggest stumbling block is how to transfer over all of our Keap tags that we use to trigger automated email journeys etc into PipeDrive. What is the best solution here and would they be classed as labels in PD? I have failed using CSV and also some sample…
When Bulk Importing New People, option to SKIP existing entries
Currently when we attempt to bulk import, Pipedrive gives the option to Merge or Create a duplicate entry if the person already exists in the system. I would like the option to simply SKIP importing the person if they already exist. Pretty please? Thank you!
Is there a reason CSV exports from Insights don't match selected fields?
I'm trying to export lost deals to summarize differently than in the dashboard. I've selected fields like "Lost Time" and they're visible in the dashboard. When I export to CSV those fields disappear and I get other fields I didn't ask for. Why?? So painful.
Pipedrive Datawarehouse
Is there a good tool that can load the Pipedrive data into our data warehouse? We are currently using Stitchdata and the integration for Pipedrive from Singer, but it doesn't work well with the deals products yet. However, once products are removed from a deal, they are not removed from the data warehouse or marked as…
Is there a way to export the summary part of the report table?
I can only get the export option when the "Deals" tab is active, however there are some scenarios where it would be helpful to export the "Summary" tab contents to a spreadsheet.
Trigger automations on import
It's ridiculous that automations can't be triggered on import. Deals can be created on import. But "Deal Created" triggered automations can't be triggered by a deal that is created by an import. The same goes for contacts. I can create or update a contact on import but then I have to take additional steps to trigger…
New: Update to exporting email addresses and phone numbers
Hey Pipedrivers! Here’s a small but important update to exporting contact data. What: When exporting multiple contact phone numbers and email addresses, they will be collected in separate columns instead of one column. Therefore, you no longer need to use a spreadsheet split text function to do this. When: Available now…
Dowloading the contents in won & closed deals
Will Pipedrive be providing the ability for Won and Closed Deals to be downloaded along with the contents (emails, notes, documents, contacts, etc.) within the deal?
What are these errors in products import?
Hello, I tried to import my list of products but I got two errors in part of the list. I was able to import 700/1080. Do you know what do they mean and how can I solve them? 1 - Product not found. 2 - (Product) Update product is not allowed for deleted products. Thank you, Rita Pereira
Contact Export - Column for each phone type (Work, Mobile, Etc)
Currently the export just shows multiple phone numbers for a single contact in the same column with commas between. There is no way to see if it's a "Work" or a "Mobile" number. It would be ideal to have a column for each phone number type. That means you can not import multiple phone numbers from a spreadsheet and have…