Is your business getting ready to start sending out mass emails? Here’s how to do it using Gmail:
1. Create a recipients spreadsheet Create your contacts list by copying Google’s mail merge template spreadsheet and inputting your recipients’ information. Then download the mail merge extension in the “add-ons” toolbar section. With Yet Another Mail Merge, you’re able to use the extension to add contacts automatically…
Welcome to the Community channel!
Welcome to the community and thank you for joining! 👋 Let's use this group to exchange ideas and help fellow marketers succeed with exceptionally good email marketing! We invite you to use this post to introduce yourself, so we can get to know each other better! Cheers to your success! 🚀…
파이프드라이브 워크플로우 예시: 활동 완료 후 팔로우업 활동 생성
질문: 영업 활동이 완료된 후 활동을 푸쉬하기 위한 팔로우업을 자동화하고 싶어요. 답변: 파이프드라이브의 워크플로우를 통해 활동 완료 후 자동으로 다음 활동이 생성되게 만들 수 있습니다. 활용 예시: * 이메일을 통한 견적 발송 활동 완료 -> 견적서 발송 팔로우업 활동 생성 * 청구서 발송 활동 완료 -> 청구서에 따른 결제 요청 푸쉬 팔로우업 활동 생성 예시로 든 활동 이외에도 모든 활동에 대해 팔로우업 활동을 이어가게끔 자동으로 활동이 설정되게 구현할 수 있습니다. < 활동 완료 후 팔로우업 활동 워크플로우 자동화 예시 > * 워크플로우 흐름 * 활동 상태가 '완료'로…
2022: Future of Work Predictions 🔮
Image source: Ales Nesetril Peter Harris, COO of Pipedrive, is one of many industry experts who shared their predictions with Bdaily News regarding what digital work will look like in 2022. In 2022, we anticipate that this major acceleration in digital transformation and increase in automation will continue. Reducing…
파이프드라이브 워크플로우 예시: 성사된 거래의 복제 + 복제된 거래의 파이프라인 이동
질문: 파이프드라이브에서 Sales 단계를 관리하는 방법은 알겠는데, Customer Success나 Account manage는 어떻게 진행해야 좋을까요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 워크플로우 + 복수 파이프라인 생성을 통해 영업이 완료된 거래의 관리가 가능합니다. 활용 예시: * 계약이 완료된 거래를 영업팀이 아닌 고객관리 파트에서 관리하고 싶을 때 * Account managing을 통해 Upsell / Onboarding 진행상황을 트래킹하고 싶을 때 이 경우, 성사된 거래의 복제 및 복제된 거래의 파이프라인을 이동함으로서 영업 시 축적된 데이터를 유지하며 고객관리를…
Is there a way to synchronize Pipedrive with Linkedin? So when someone changes his personal details
Is there a way to synchronize Pipedrive with Linkedin? So when someone changes his personal details in Linkedin it will be automatically adjusted in Pipedrive.
Webinar: Selling stronger in 2022 📈January 18th, 2022
2022 is here, is your sales process ready? It's time to make sure your team has the right technology to build a better pipeline. Join our webinar with Pipedrive to explore how you can integrate automation and personal communication to drive more sales and close deals faster. We’ll cover: - Using technology to stand out in…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 사용 중인 유저 삭제하기
질문: 더 이상 사용하지 않는 계정이 있는데, 어떻게 삭제해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 관리자라면 더 이상 사용하지 않는 유저를 삭제하실 수 있습니다. 주의: 유저를 삭제해도, 과금의 단위인 시트는 유지됩니다. 시트를 삭제하는 것은 다음 구독 플랜부터 적용됩니다. * 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-01-31 : 8 시트 요금 결제 * 2022-01-15일에 6 시트로 다운그레이드 시 아래와 같이 플랜 변경* 2022-01-01 ~ 2022-01-31 8 시트 유지 * 2022-02-01 ~ 2022-02-28 6 시트로 다운그레이드 파이프드라이브 접속 후 '사용자…
How often does Syncbot sync?
If a person is removed from the filter that syncs with Mailigen, will that person then be removed from the Mailigen list? What about if a person was added to the filter, will that person be added to the Mailigen list?
Unsubscribe link for emails out of Pipedrive
For GDPR reasons, I am looking for a functionality that automatically adds an unsubscribe link to any email we send for inbound & outbound sales. Is this available within Pipedrive? If yes, how can I set this up? If not, could this be a feature that will be build in the future?
파이프드라이브 가이드: 커스텀 데이터 필드는 어떻게 추가하나요?
질문: 커스텀 데이터 필드는 어떻게 추가하며, 어떻게 사용할 수 있나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브 '데이터 필드' 설정에서 커스텀 필드를 추가 및 삭제하실 수 있습니다. 알아두면 좋은 내용: * 커스텀 필드에는 다양한 데이터 타입이 있습니다. * 모으고자 하는 데이터의 유형에 맞춰 필드 유형을 설정하시면 좀더 양질의 데이터를 모으실 수 있습니다! < 커스텀 필드 추가하기 > 파이프드라이브 '개인 환경 설정' -> '데이터 필드' 를 클릭합니다. (주의: '데이터 필드' 탭이 보이지 않을 경우, 관리자에게 권한을 요청해야 합니다) 데이터 필드 우측 상단의 '사용자 지정 필드…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 새로운 유저 초대하기
질문: 시트를 업그레이드했는데, 유저를 초대하고 싶어요. 어떻게 해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프드라이브의 관리자라면 업그레이드한 시트 수만큼 유저를 초대하실 수 있습니다. 유저 초대는 업그레이드한 시트 수 이상은 불가능합니다. 주의 : 시트와 유저는 다른 개념입니다! * 시트 : 과금되는 인원 수 * 유저 : 파이프드라이브 실제 사용자 수 시트 수 이상의 유저 추가는 불가능하며, 과금된 시트 수 이상의 유저를 추가하실 경우 시트 업그레이드가 필요합니다. 파이프드라이브 관리자 계정 접속 후 우측 상단의 프로필 클릭 후 '회사 설정'을 클릭합니다. '회사 설정' 화면에서 '사용자…
From Technical Account Manager to Project Manager 🚀
I recently transitioned from being a technical account manager at Pipedrive to a project manager in another company. Here you will find my advice for professionals that are thinking of making the same move: So, for starters, what do these job titles even mean? What’s “technical account management” and what’s a “customer…
Happy New Year emails: 8 templates for your New Year email campaign 🎉
The beginning of the New Year marks a time when consumers are focused on starting new projects, implementing change and planning out the year ahead. Take advantage of this fresh start by sending out targeted “Happy New Year“ emails that tap into your audience‘s current needs and aspirations. In this article, we‘ll share…
What is the best way for us to implement this so we can view reports? Need to track a few important
Hello, We are switching over to Pipedrive from Copper and want to see what is the best way for us to setup the system for the following. We are a small business focused on generator sales and service. We sell to homeowners, builders, contractors, and we also export. The following is what I want to track * The amount of…
Kijk de Oktober community meetup terug 🇳🇱🚀
Met enige vertraging is de video dan hier! 🙌🏻 https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/KhSjSthSwYfoGJs3NZFU18Vorige week kwamen we samen met ~30 man en vrouw en spraken wij over: * De aankomende nieuwe functionaliteit in Pipedrive 🏗 * Discussies rondom de producten in ons platform 📦 * Discussies rondom automatiseren en het…
How to Rebuild and Verify Data Files in QuickBooks Desktop
Verifying and rebuilding data utility in QuickBooks desktop can help in fixing various errors that might be experienced in QuickBooks often. One can experience data issues within the company file, which can be easily rectified using verifying and rebuilding data utility. The verify data tool self identifies and consider…
Is there any way to track email opens in Google Workspace the way Hubspot does it (via a Chrome exte
November's New Apps Spotlight!
Check out the 2 new apps featured in this month's App Spotlight. * TimelinesAI - helps you automatically sync Whatsapp messaging with your clients to Pipedrive Deals and Persons * Postcall - helps you send customer satisfaction surveys after your Aircall, RingCentral or Zendesk Talk calls, delivered via SMS or email. 🔔…
Ideas for Zapier automations TUTORIAL
Hi Pipedriver, Today I’m continuing with automations tutorial and this time I’ll show you how to use Zapier integration for optimising your Pipedrive account. So open your Pipedrive and Zapier tools and let’s make the following automations together: 1. Round Robin - Assigns Deals equally between a defined number of Users.…
Mental Load: Women’s Invisible Workload
You are probably familiar with the term gender care gap, but are you familiar with the term “mental load”? Over the past few years, the subject of mental load (sometimes also known as cognitive load) has garnered more and more interest. Especially since the French comic artist Emma published her now-famous comic about…
🎯 How to Focus Your Brain on What You Need It to Focus on
It's Monday, that time of the week. Use the Zeigarnik effect to your advantage. Our own @Jaana Metsamaa wrote about how to "trick" your brain into doing what you need it to do and what's the reasoning behind it that makes it work. Spoiler alert: it's a c l i f f h a n g e r 😉 Read all about it here.
Ideas for Workflow Automations TUTORIAL
Hello Pipedriver 💎 If you would like to upskill your know-how on workflow automations, then these tutorials are for you! Along with some tips & tricks, I’ll share with you how to technically build 4 different automations that we have received your interest in: 1. When a Deal is Won - Move Deal to Another Pipeline:…
Changing Sender Email
Hello, I am looking to change the sender email. I am sending many email on behalf of the founder and I need to be able to change the sender email. I don't want the receiver to see ME as the sender, but the FOUNDER as the sender. How can I do this from my login. I don't want to send from Founder's login. Please advise.
😀 🎉 NEW: Emoji support in your Pipeline and Stage names 🎉 😀
What? You can now make your Pipedrive stages and pipelines truly unique using your favorite emojis! For whom? All plans How? As you are renaming your pipeline or stage, just press Command + Control + Space (Mac), or Windows logo key + . (period) on your Windows computer to see your emoji keyboard pop up on your screen. 🔔…