Visibility groups for FILES not working
I have created visibility groups where Organisations should be visible to the entire company and the the other Deal, Contacts, Leads and Products for their own group. When I go in to an Organization belonging to another Team, Activities is filtered out and are invisible. But Files are visible even if they are connected to…
how sync pipedrive product to quickbook product
hi, i have about some product in pipedrive account and also some product in quickbook account. i want to know after integration how synch product to decide that starting integration or not. how integrate product?
Pipedrive + Sales Navigator - We are loosing the edge with Hubspot
Pipedrive is a great CRM for Sales with it +/- compare to Hubspot. I can deal with it in my situation. I'm using SURFE, which is great for importing directly + templates, notes, and enrichments. If we (Pipedrive users) want to sell more seamlessly, then we should be able to access Sales Navigator's insights directly in…
Document editor doesn't retain formatting after saving and sending
When this was created, the H1's were all at the top of their pages. After saving and sending to our customer as a proposal, they shifted all over the place and it looks very unprofessional, so we won't be able to use the document signing feature if this always happens. How can this be prevented?
Customer Portal
Pipedrive we need this before is toooo late! https://app-eu1.hubspot.com/upgrade/25462105/customer-portals
Re-assigning emails to another deal
Sometimes emails to to the wrong deal and when I'm in a deal that has an email that does not below there there is no way to change that email to another deal. Currently it can be unlinked from the current deal but there is no way to put it to another deal. I put it to another deal I would need to search through thousands…
How to link an email to a deal when it's linked only to a contact?
Can anyone help me figure out how to link an email that I copied into Pipedrive, and is linked to the recipient only, to the deal he is associated with? I searched for a contact, the deal he's a participant in didn't come up (and I didn't know it existed, I'm not the owner) so I emailed the contact in reply to a previous…
Switch Email to Different Deal on Deal or Person Detail Page
Could you please add the ability to switch an email from one deal to another inside the Deal page or Person page? Ideally, the drop-down would say "Switch Deal" and I could search for or add a new deal from that option. Right now it's a 3 or 4 step process. Maybe even create an option that allows you to move many different…
Batch create deals from contacts
I'm looking for a better way to select multiple contacts and then batch add them to an existing pipeline. I found this video that show how you can do it with automation. It's less than ideal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNm-PBE2o_Q TBH it's perplexing to me that this is not something that's already built in. Any ideas…
Company Financial Year setting
Hi - it would be really useful if, in settings" I could tell pipedrive when my financial year started and finished (which is not the same as the calendar year. Is this possible or on the list to be done?
Best way to manage DUPLICATES???
Hey, Pipedrivers I would like some suggestions here and also discuss the way some of you manage DUPLICATES. We have a client that created lots of duplicates, to be more exact 700+ only in one category! Now comes the tricky part, Merging them 🤯! Doing one by one is really a pain, and PD should develop a simpler way to…
Work around with automatisations for the problem of due dates in project activities?
We do have a strong issue with projects-date-dependency: if you are using a project-template, it always has a starting date. Once you are not 100% sure about the starting date (as it is always a bit dependend on the client), or when some steps get dalyed, you do have a problem with all the activities pre-defined in the…
Selecting Lead title
I wanted to know from others what is the best title for the Lead? Pipedrive by default use organization name in the title. How others are handling the title?
Lead vs Contact
I have been a small business owner for a while. I do not understand the difference between "lead" and "contact" as it pertains to Pipedrive CRM. I have looked for help articles and cannot find information. Most importantly, how does the differentiation: * Affect the way I use Pipedrive? * The way I enter or upload my…
@Mention Alert from an Audio Note
Hello, Our team is new to Pipedrive and love the audio note feature within CRM contact records, as well as upon import using the Business Card Reader. It would be great if there could be a way to add a feature/function to Audio Notes that allows you to Tag (@Mention) a person to share the audio note with, and alert that…
How can I re-open deals when an email is received?
I'm making some automations to send drip campaigns. I want it so that when someone replies an email, the deal is opened. Is this possible with either Automations or with Zapier?
Concerning offer of product for end client.
Hello, i wanted to ask if there is possibility to send offers to customer directly from Pipedrive? Now we are using email templates to save as offers and then we send it. I saw that Pipedrive have ability to save products and add it to deal but this product cant be sent to customer directly. Can I send products directly to…
Use AI to create leads from emails
This discussion was created from comments split from: AI + Automation opportunities .
How this sequence can be done with automations?. I tried but it appears not to be working
How can I apply this sequence with emails? (photo attached)
Selecting Activities as Private
When creating activities would like to be able to select whether they are Private or Public. Please can you add this to your product maintenance.
Feature request: pin notes in expanded form
When we close a deal, we pin a note to the top of the deal containing implementation notes. Just the first line of those is visible and you have to click on the explained icon to view the full note. We'd like to be able to pin them in expanded form. After all, if it's important enough to pin the note, isn't it likely that…
Trouble importing email addresses into Person type
I am importing some leads from a CSV file. In the Mapping view, pipedrive wasn't able to identify the field is an email, so I mapped the Person→Email data field to that field. However, in the test import (where I see the first 3 rows), I don't see the email addresses getting imported. Does the input data need to be a…
Feature Request: Manual adjust "time in stage"
Occasionally when adding new (or older) deals, changing deal stages or moving stages between pipelines (and deleting old pipeline), time in stage is either not represented accurately, or can be missing completely. This of course affects accuracy of data and reporting. I think its important to be able to adjust the "time in…
Concerning Thank you letter after deal is WON
Hello I cant make automation when ever i close deal as WON and i want automation letter folow up to customer email adress. In Trigger i see only deal created deal delted or updated but no option deal is WON. Thank you Andrius
MEDDIC Sales Methodology: How to Build a Strong Sales Qualification Process 💰
The MEDDIC sales methodology advocates that pitching to leads and prospects who are highly qualified will result in a higher closing rate. It is a blueprint for qualifying leads and asking the most important questions to move deals forward. As part of MEDDIC sales, your salespeople should stress how your product or service…
Sort Variations alphabetically, or allow us to reord or search them in Add Products to a Deal view
Hi Product team, My company does a lot of bespoke quoting, and we have a very long list of variations per product. When I created them in Pipedrive, I made sure to add them alphabetically. However, since they are sorted by creation date, if I need to add a new Variation that starts with "c," it will end up after "z." They…
Best Way to Remove Email from a Contact Who Has Moved but Retain Email History
We are trying to clean up our contacts and noticing that we know some people have moved and their email is no longer valid, but we want to retain the history of that email dialogue with them in Pipedrive. Is there a good way to remove email of someone who has moved but retain that dialogue? Maybe a way to mark an email…
Is there a way to insert a form into an email.
Is there a way to insert a form into an email. Basic questions abou received goods, if quality was ok and if documentation arrived complete
Hourly sales activity report missing
Currently I am doing this in excel and downloading data every day. It is showing me when a sales rep has added or updated an activity. This way I can see if they are active or not, hourly. It would be great to have this insight in pipedrive done automatically. It is a report showing Activities activity split by hour…
PD email client - "Reply to" not working
Hi, if I get an email, which has "reaply to" header filled with a different address then the actual sender, it does not work in Pipedrive. Please, do fix this, as it is quite useful for example when receiving emails from contact form on a web. Regards,