Duplicate Deals
Is it possible to create a new sub-item under the "duplicate" section, where you not only can see duplicate Contacts, Companies - but also "deals" with the same identical unique name?
Ability to merge a new (web) lead with an existing deal
We have mandatory fields to put some discipline/rigor around qualification of deals. So when multiple (web) leads come through from various prospects about a pre-existing deal in particular, it becomes very tedious for staff to fill out the mandatory fields on each lead in order to convert them individually to deals before…
Merging Duplicates in PD -> Can we choose individual fields instead of all or nothing?
When merging an organization or contact in Pipedrive the system will ask if you'd like to keep Organization A or Organization B, but what if Organization A has the correct address and Organization B has the correct phone number? I would like the option to choose which individual fields to keep and which to overwrite. I…
Duplication Rule on Email is Broken
The default duplication rule on contacts (name + any of primary email, phone number or organization) does not really work for us, since we regularly update contacts from their submissions of registration forms. And people misspell their names surprisingly often. They rarely misspell their email addresses though, because…
When Bulk Importing New People, option to SKIP existing entries
Currently when we attempt to bulk import, Pipedrive gives the option to Merge or Create a duplicate entry if the person already exists in the system. I would like the option to simply SKIP importing the person if they already exist. Pretty please? Thank you!
Merge duplicate contacts, but keep them in Outlook with all users
Hi, there, In our organisation we are facing a challenge: three users, all 2-way syncing their contacts with MS Outlook. Once you merge f.i. 3 contacts record synced from 3 different users, there will be just 1 contact remaining in Pipedrive connected to user #1. But.... the records are removed in Outlook contacts from…
Merging improvement: Check if the only difference is http & https
Hi there! First off: Love the software. The one thing I found gives me quite some work and I belive is easy to fix is this: When getting data from different places, sometimes I end up with duplicate people or companies. It is fine, the merge works quite well. One of my custom fields, I use to store a url. In my case…
How can i Manage Different Contacts with same email and Organization?
In my case, organizations normally has institutional emails runs by different people over the years. For example: "sales_ABC@hotmail.com" in 2017 my contact was Megan, in 2029 George, and 2023 Peter. I can NOT change the name every time, because then we get lost on what was discuss and agree with the person before at that…
Contact Deactivation
Developer should provide contact deactivation feature. In case Customer presently working in XYZ organization and after sometime if he/she change it and start to work with ABC Organization then we should be able to deactivate fist entry. If we label it as inactive then it will pop up in duplicate entry. If we delete…
Ongoing unresolved issue
I have had this ongoing problem with records being shown as Hidden in the merge duplicates section. The case has been closed out by customer support at least twice and it is currently back open for the 3rd, possibly 4th time. It seems to get closed out by customer support randomly. This is not usual for pipedrive support.…
Import, merge
Hello, If I am importing organizations into pipedrive, there are 2 fields that are important, namely "name" and "address", is it possible to replace "address" with a custom field ( e.g. "VAT" ). Thank you for your reply. p.s. it has the same effect on the merging of organization contacts, I would need to merge by custom…
Merge Duplicates Functionality Proposed Improvement
New to the Pipedrive Community and found a proposed functionality improvement that the team here at TurnSignl would greatly value. Two things could be added to the 'Merge Duplicates' functionality that could great improve user experience. 1) Adding a 'Merge All' button 2) Allowing users to customize the fields that are…
Batch Merge
When in the merge records section and there are many groups of suggested merge records allow to select each grouping and then merge all the groupings in a batch rather than going through each grouping and hitting the merge button each time.
Can you merge duplicate organizations
I have a situation where several companies are duplicated and are entered twice in my PipeDrive, Additionally, they may have different "people" in each entry. Can I merge the ogranizations to be one organization and have people from both entries be merged into the new merged organization.
Merge Contact Duplicates
Hi All, I need to merge over 500 contact duplicates, is there not an easier way than having to go through each one and choose primary contact to merge with? I cannot see myself going through all 500 contacts to do this. Then having to click preview for each then merge. I also need to do the same with organizations. Your…
Duplication's feature improvement request
Any likelihood of developing the duplicate contacts/companies feature to perform "fuzzy" searches and/or for the user to define which fields PD looks for duplicates?
Problem with Duplicate detection
Hello community, I got a problem with the duplicate detection. As I understand, the duplicate detection recognizes contact duplicates by checking the contact-names. But here starts my problem. For example, I got those two contacts (with NAME and EMAIL): | Harry Potter | homie@hogwarts.magic | Ron Weasley |…
Duplicates monitoring
Hi! Is there a way or a automation to monitor duplicates? We receive leads from our website and if a person signs up for a newsletter and sends us a question through a form, this one person will be created twice in Pipedrive. Is there a way of monitoring all the duplicated entries created? Thank you!
Delated LEADS
How can I find delated leads? Not deals but leads? We are using dedupely to merge LEADS, and if the lead is already delated then we have a problem with merging leads as an error keeps preventing us to merge two LEADS. I did research here in community discussions, but could not find any solution to our problem. Can you…
Import option to merge just organization, just people, or both
Currently the only two options are to merge records or not merge records during import which applied to both organization and people records combined. Suggestion is to allow for choosing to merge just organization, just people, or both.
Merge LEAD vs DEAL
We had to build our own tool, which unables us to merge information between LEAD and DEAL. For example. You have an open DEAL, and one of your sales person is already talking to the customer. Then, after some time the same customer fills some form and this creates you a new LEAD. So theroretically, we have the same…
Merge multiple organisations and contacts
I have multiple profiles on my company's system, these duplicates aren't picked up due to different variations of the names and missing information. When I need to merge I can only do 2 contacts at a time. It would be more ideal to be able to select a range of contacts and merge all to a single profile. for example if…
How do you identify & merge accounts with SignUp? So merge Pre-Signup Accounts with Signup accounts
How do you identify & merge accounts with SignUp? So merge Pre-Signup Accounts with Signup accounts if that is the same account. 95% of signups are not contacted Pre-Signup.
파이프드라이브 가이드: 파이프드라이브의 중복 데이터 병합
파이프드라이브에서는 중복된 데이터를 병합할 수 있는 '중복 병합' 기능을 제공하고 있습니다. 파이프드라이브 내에서 중복 데이터를 병합하기 위해서는 아래 화면을 참조해주세요. 주의: * 파이프드라이브의 중복 병합 기능은 '고객' / '조직' 중복에 대해서만 병합이 가능합니다. * 거래를 병합하기 위해서는, 개별 거래에서 병합할 항목을 찾아 병합해야 합니다. 파이프드라이브 중복 식별 기준: * 고객 : 고객 이름이 동일하고, 고객의 1) 전화번호 / 2) 이메일 주소 / 3) 고객이 소속된 조직 중 1개 이상이 동일할 때 중복으로 인식 * 조직 : 조직 이름이 동일하고, 동일한…
Will merging contacts impact any existing deals?
Before merging contacts I want to make sure I"m not creating a nightmare. * Will merging contacts impact the Contact person/Organization associated with any deals?* For instance, Susie Smith - ABC Company is connected to 4 deals.Then Susie moved to XYS Organization where she is contact with another 5 deals. * If I merge…
DUPLICATES: How to merge leads to a single person just considering the "email" of that particular pe
I have thousands of duplicate persons on my Pipedrive and I need to merge them into a single one, with different leads on it. How can I automatically merge them considering a common personal email? Also, is there the possibility of having a report of the duplicates? I have different funnels and I need to manage if some…
Leads Inbox improvements for users in all plans! 📥
From now on, all new leads have to be linked to a contact (either an existing one or a new one is automatically created), similar to how all deals have to be linked to a contact. 🤔 Why the change? * You can now add a Lead from an existing Contact and track the contact history * Importing Leads with your Contacts? They will…
Duplicate Contacts - Pipedrive should check all email fields, not just primary email
Currently, the way Pipedrive checks for duplicate contacts is the primary email, but this misses duplicate contacts where there is more than one email and the business email may not be in the primary email field. To fix this I would suggest Pipedrive checks ALL email fields for duplicates, not just the primary email field
Can I manually select organizations to merge
I have some obvious duplicates- probably based on the way I imported contacts- that the merge funciton is not picking up. Can I manually select and merge them?
Duplikate zusammenführen über den Firmennamen möglich?
Hallo, ich habe ein massives Duplikaten Problem. Ist die "Duplikate zusammenführen" nur über den Firmennamen (ohne Adresse) möglich? Sonst erkennt Pipedrive die Duplikate nicht. Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe. Enver