Insights help: revenue by activation, not close date
Hi, I'm trying to look at my weighted revenue pipeline and can't seem to find a way to show it based on distribution; I can only seem to see it based on expected close date and the whole deal value is added to that month. For context: I run a media company and a deal might be $10,000 per month for 6 months actualising…
Tile - Pipeline
@Mike van der Valk thank you for your answer on my question about the tiles on pipeline. I have reviewed the videos and the information available online, but couldn't find a way to customize the tiles themselves, like below. I would like to add more info there, such as product, probability and expected close date, for…
Any recruitment people working in Pipedrive
Hey guys, My name is Coen from the Netherlands. Right now we are integrating everything in Pipedrive for our recruitment agency. However, we are still figuring out the best practices to implement everything in our company. So, are there any other recruiters here who have some tips regarding the funnels, integrations and…
Deals and Pipeline set up for Saas Subscription products
Our SaaS product is sold on a Marketplace, each trial and sold licenses is converted into a deal in Pipedrive. I'm looking for advice on how to handle the deal once it is lost (ie: the trial is not converted into a sale, a subscription is not renewed...). Do you leave the deal in the Pipeline? Did you add a special lane? I…
Multiple Pipedrive work flows with separate or unique Detail fields
Hi Pipedrivers. I'm trying to run 2 brands from the one instance of PD. I'm wanting to capture different information that is relevant to those brands. Currently I have to separate instanced of PD and its effecting our ability to cross sell / capture client data. I'm wanting to combine instances, but under separate…
“Custom fit Pipedrive to your business needs” webinar Q&A. Unanswered questions
Hi dear Pipedrivers! Many thanks to all of you who were able to join James Campbell and Tonya Kilgore at the webinar last Tuesday. Today we are happy to let you know, that Tonya and our greatest Product team have finished answering your questions, that we didn’t have time for at the webinar. Find the Questions & Answers…
📽️ Webinar | Custom-fit Pipedrive to suit your business’ needs | September 7, 2021
Register now 📍 | Tuesday, September 7th | 7am PCT / 3pm GMT Join Pipedrive pro @James Campbell and Customer Success team lead @Tonya Kilgore for a discussion and Q&A session on how to make the most of features like Custom fields, Multiple Customizable Dashboards, and Multiple Pipelines that help you to adapt Pipedrive to…
From a Pipedrive Pro - How to Automatically Duplicate Deals in Other Pipelines with Links To The Fir
https://pipedrive.hubs.vidyard.com/watch/VrYu2U19h92jArpw85yPqz?ref=community_postIn this tutorial, our Pipedrive pro @Luiza Salomão returns to demonstrate how to use Workflow Automations to take the manual work out of duplicating deals to other pipelines on your Pipedrive account. 🔔 Be sure to check out the full Learn…
Pipeline Selection changed to Tabs
In pipeline view, I would like to see the pipeline selection pulldown scrubbed and changed to tabs. You can still keep an edit/new button but the ability to have each pipeline as a tab would make switching back and forth between pipelines so much more efficient. There would seem to be ample screen real estate across that…
Bonjour parlez vous français ? Est il possible sur un pipeline de calculer en ligne les commissions
Bonjour parlez vous français ? Est il possible sur un pipeline de calculer en ligne les commissions des commerciaux ?
Show deal pipeline in search results
We work with festivals around the world and sometimes there will be multiple with the same name - in different countries, run by different organisations. It can be confusing with the current search bar to quickly know which deal we are looking at, as it does not show which pipeline the deal is in. See example of elements…
Custom Fields in Pipeline Kanban view as well as Sorting functionality.
I Wish we could customize our views in the Kanban view of the pipeline including custom field. I really like what Notion has done with the ability to customize the view. I believe just the fact of having additional field could provide enough information to manage a pipeline more efficiently. Right now, I'm having to go in…
Setting up a pipe for Account Management
Hey All! I work in sales and account management for a small marketing agency in Kansas City. I love Pipedrive as a sales CRM, but does anyone have any tips for setting up a pipe to manage current clients? I've set up a pipeline, but it doesn't quite flow how I would like. Any tips, tricks, or extensions would be…
Looking Pipeline funnel for graphic design studio
Hello I'm running a graphic design studio, I'm looking for an example of pipeline funnel that could help us to understand better how to shape ours. Would be welcomed any suggestion. Thanks.
How to show or hide Pipedrive data fields per pipeline
I often get asked if you can show/hide fields on certain pipelines or at certain stages. While you technically can't disable a field from showing on a particular pipeline, there is a workaround we can use. Set all your data fields to NOT display in the details view. Then go through each field and customise the…
Future Deals for recurring clients or Key Accounts without a specific deals, more like projected dea
We have a number of Key Accounts that place orders on a monthly basis. Because of the nature of our B2B business, we do not know in advance exactly when they will place the order (normally they would ask for a bid and then we get the order within a week) but I want to have visibility on the monthly pipeline by the date of…
Hallo Zusammen, wir vertreiben als Distributor mehrere Marken. Nun habe ich das Problem, dass ich zum Beispiel einem Kunden mehrere neue Marken vorstellen möchte. Derzeit mache ich das so, dass ich je Marke einen Deal erstelle. Dies führt allerdings dazu, dass die Pipeline sehr voll und unübersichtlich wird. Ich habe es…
Deleted Pipeline Stage
How do i undo a deleted Pipeline stage which i accidentally did?
Recover Leads delated from Pipeline
If I delete a pipeline do I lose those leads, and is there a way to recover delated contacts?
Wrong Translation: 'Name' in Pipeline editing
Greetings, I'm reporting a Korean translation error in editing pipeline stages. When I tried to edit a stage name, I found a label '고객명'. This translation is misleading because '고객명' means 'the name of customer.' Would you please change it to '이름' which means just 'name'? For your information, the English version has a…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 파이프라인 단계를 수정하려면 어떻게 하죠?
질문: 기본 생성된 파이프라인 단계를 수정하려면 어떻게 해야 하나요? 답변: 파이프라인 우측 상단의 연필 모양 아이콘 클릭하면 수정 가능합니다. 자세한 내용은 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요. 참고 문서 * How can I customize my pipeline stages? - from Pipedrive Help Center
Pipedrive Roundtable: Benefits of multiple Pipelines
Join our Roundtable on Friday, April the 30th at 08:30 - 09:30 PST / 17:30 - 18:30 CET! Last time, we had more than 10 people joining in! This weeks topic: Benefits of multiple Pipelines! - What are the benefits of multiple Pipelines? - How can you efficiently handle them? - What about Automations? - Can you chain…
Deals in Pipeline. My problem is that if a Deal is won when it is paid for, and some pay up front an
Deals in Pipeline. My problem is that if a Deal is won when it is paid for, and some pay up front and some pay at the end by invoice, how can I devise a pipe or pipes that will cater for that? Can won deals move to another pipeline so I can continue them?
SaaS Businesses
Hey! Thank you for inviting me. Are there any other SaaS business using PipeDrive?
Pipedrivers, what do you do with deals after they are completely finalized? What are the best practi
Pipedrivers, what do you do with deals after they are completely finalized? What are the best practices? Do you move them to a separate Pipeline or just a different stage and let them rot there forever? Cause that looks to me like cluttering my pipeline.. Please share your opinions. It would be very helpful to hear…
파이프드라이브 가이드: 파이프라인 뷰에서 거래 옆에 색상은 어떤 의미인가요?
질문: 파이프라인에서 거래 항목마다 빨간색, 노란색, 초록색, 회색 아이콘이 붙어있는데 어떤 의미인가요? 답변: 거래 항목의 아이콘은 해당 거래에 연동된 활동이 어떻게 진행되는지 네가지 상태로 표시합니다. * 빨간색 (경고): 예정된 활동 못했음 * 초록색 (진행): 오늘 예정된 활동 있음 * 노란색 (주의): 예정된 활동 없음 * 회색 (정상): 예정된 활동 있음 파이프라인 각 단계에서 거래 항목은 위 4가지 아이콘 색상 순서대로 정렬됩니다. 같이보기 * 파이프드라이브 가이드: 파이프라인 뷰에서 거래는 어떻게 정렬되나요? 영문 참고 문서 * How are deals…
🧠 Measure Your Pipeline Progress - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 11 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/s7ejq3Ouphw?ref=community_postEven if you follow the guidance from every previous video in this series, if you don't measure your pipeline it's unlikely to ever reach its full potential. Watch this example of how measuring your pipeline will enable you to spot challenges and tackle them…
파이프드라이브 가이드: '분기별 생성 진행중 거래 보기' 필터 설정
질문: 파이프라인 필터에서 '이번 분기', '지난 분기' 이외에 다른 분기를 보려면 어떻게 해야 하나요. 답변: 분기에 해당하는 날짜를 직접 입력하여 필터를 생성할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, '2020년 1분기 생성하여 아직도 진행중인 거래'는 다음 세가지 조건을 모두 만족해야 합니다. * 현재 상태가 '진행중 open' * 생성일자가 2020년 1월 1일 이후 (2020년 1월 1일 포함) * 생성일자가 2020년 4월 1일 이전 위 세가지를 모두 AND 조건 연결하는 필터 만드는 방법은 첨부한 동영상 참고하세요. 마찬가지로 '2020년 2분기 생성하여 아직도 진행중인…
Empty pipeline
Dear amazing ladies and gentlemen, I'm totally new to pipedrive. I'm a sales rep and my company added me to their account. My pipeline is still empty though. Question: Why is that? And do I NEED to complete the entire setup before to import the leads? A big thank you in advance. Roberto
🧠 Make Time For Prospecting - Sales Pipeline Course: Chapter 9 | 📽️ 2 mins
https://www.youtube.com/embed/087zHpE2YT0* ?ref=community_postThe most effective way to have a healthy pipeline is to effectively manage your time. This means making time for all the essential sales activities, including prospecting. However, it can be hard to find time for prospecting, especially if you feel like you…