Nutzern nur an einer bestimmten Phase Sichtbarkeit zuteilen?
Guten Morgen, ist es möglich die Sichtbarkeit von Deals für bestimmte Nutzer einzuschränken? Meine Pipeline hat 7 Stationen und ich würde zum Beispiel den Sachbearbeiter der nur noch für die letzte Phase verantwortlich ist auch nur diese zeigen wollen. Geht das? Habe leider nichts gefunden und suche ggf. nach einem…
How do I get statistics of when a deal moves down the pipeline?
We have four steps in our pipeline = new lead, lead contacted, meeting, proposal made. I need to be able to pull an overview of the date the lead was moved into the "meeting" step and when a lead is moved into the "proposal made" step. Preferably with a value stating the user who moved them. Is this possible? And if so,…
Favorites shortcuts
Kinda thinking it would be nice for favorites shortcuts to show up across the top of the pipeline.
How do you deal with retention in Pipedrive?
We SaaS model and once in a year, we need to renegotiated deals. What is your best practise, how you keep all transparent?
when to start adding deals
when do you guys start adding deals to your contacts?
Won deal button
Can we have a condition in order to allow user click WON deal? For example if a something is NOT done, then WON can't be clicked? @Mike van der Valk @Tamara Deprez @Almonzer @Marcus @Peter Meredith
delete pipline
By accident I delete one pipeline it's possible restore it???? thanks
How can you adapt the core metrics of your sales funnel to maximize sales success in your industry?
Any salesperson knows that a well-managed, clear sales funnel is fundamental to sales success. Without this, people who are interested in your products or services may never make a purchase. A sales funnel helps salespeople guide potential customers through their buying journey and provides key insights into customer…
Wat is de beste workflow voor de Aftersales om beste rendement te halen uit voormalige klanten?
Ik ben op zoek naar de beste manier om de Aftersales funnel in te richten, om het meeste rendement te halen uit klanten nogmaals te benaderen in verschillende stadia. Nu zitten ze ingedeeld op tijd zoals 6 maanden, 1-2 jaar, 2-3 jaar , 3-5 jaar nadat we zaken gedaan hebben. Is dit het meest logisch om in die stadium…
How do you track your sales pipeline? Can you improve your method?
There’s little doubt amongst salespeople that a sales pipeline is crucial to meeting your sales goals. If you sell anything, you already have a pipeline, whether you’re aware of it or not. Documenting your sales cycle and processes can help your reps organize new leads that are coming into the funnel and track follow-up…
Too long Pipeline.. odd...
Hi everyone. Once I consult a company that had a pipeline with 12 stages. Of course I found it excessive, I just wonder if anyone has had similar experience or it was just me. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Deal Fields
When I click on pipeline deals, it gives "Lead In" "Contact made" "Demo scheduled" "proposal made" etc. I own a law firm. Those fields don't apply to me, can I change them? I would prefer, Lead In, Retained, etc.
Czy można cofnąć skasowanie całego lejka?
Dobry wieczór. Hmmm...poleciałem blondynką.Dodałem etap do lejka i chciałem skasować ten etap, niestety skasowałem cały lejek. Czy można cofnąć skasowanie całego lejka?
Too Many Stages!
Hello, I've built out a good process for construction jobs (remodels, roofing, etc), but there are so many stages that I can't even read what the stages are. There's no way that I can see to zoom in, and I'm not sure what the best way to fix it would be. Should I combine similar stages and just use activities within those…
Is it possible to keep people in a pipeline if the deal is won?
How is the pipeline sorted?
How is the pipeline sorted?
How to make Bulk Transfere from one funnel to another funnel
How to make Bulk Transfere from one funnel to another funnel
Is there a workaround on assigning a deal to two pipelines? I have process with two parts. presale p
Is there a workaround on assigning a deal to two pipelines? I have process with two parts. presale phase and install phase. And stages for my deals overlap in the two phases/pipeline. thoughts pls?
Lost reason combination of predefined and free-form
Hi, We have setup PD to allow for predefined Lost reasons, but also allow entering free-form lost reasons in addition to predefined options. This allows us to both have structure for reporting purposes as well as more qualitative data on the reasons lost. See screenshot 1. This works well, however now want to use the List…
How do you deal in pipedrive with a deals, which are lost for now, but you can contact and try them
How do you deal in pipedrive with a deals, which are lost for now, but you can contact and try them in the future after few months? And how to effectively remind them in the future?
Best practices/experiences in comprehensive pipeline restructuring
Hey there! We are currently in the midst of restructuring our Pipedrive to depict our whole sales process in one pipeline for ease of reporting and enhanced visualization. At the moment, we're working with an outbound, opportunity, and customers pipeline. When a deal is set to won in one pipeline, it's duplicated in the…
How are people handling deals that are cancelled by the Pandemic?
How are people handling deals that are cancelled by the Pandemic?
How to build a sales process with steps and mandatory activities for each stage Stage: Lead
Step. Ke
How to build a sales process with steps and mandatory activities for each stage Stage: Lead Step. Key decision makers have been identified Step. Supplemented contact details Stage: Hot lead Step 4. A valuable reason for contact has been established Step 5. Contact has been established Step .6 Contact based on…
RFE: On deal view - be able to see deals that are "fresh"
I would like to look at a deal window for a sales-rep ... and they may have 50 deals ... I would like to see which ones were "touched" this week (or day or 2 weeks or month, etc...) Then we can discuss those that were touched, and those that were not.
Is it possible to hide those deals that have been completed?
Is it possible to hide those deals that have been completed?