Insights: Custom Fields now available! 🎨
What? Get more juice from your data and gain flexibility by adding your custom fields to Insights. Where and for whom? * For all plans: in the Insights Table * For Professional plan and higher: in Filters and in the Visual Builder (view/segment/measure dropdowns) 🧑🏫 Learn more about Insights and Custom Fields in our…
Suggestions + Leads reporting feature
I would like to see the leads reporting (Insights) feature. Currently, I can use reporting only on Deals which is around 30% of my prospects. Therefore couldn't track my efforts for 70% of the pipeline.
Insights reports - real time or delayed?
Hi everyone, I've been building a deals dashboard in my own Pipedrive instance (to demonstrate to a client) and have noticed that the insights reports don't always contain up to date / real time data. Here's a quick summary of the issue I'm seeing: I create a 'Most recent won deals' report with the following filter…
Scheduled Payments revenue report in Insight not showing up all deals with Payment schedule
Hello, Last year I have been using payment schedules in my deals and I could use the report without nay issues. This year I do the same but not all deals with scheduled payment in 2022 are showing up in the report. I have tried to find why looking at all criteria and filters for the report but I can't find the source of…
Accurate Insights for Retail/Wholesale but Avoiding Many Deals per Client
Hello Pipedrive Community, Within our wholesale business, we may win say 3-7 deals per year per client. As you can imagine, the deals that have been won (or lost), start to add up and really make Pipedrive quite congested. For example: if you create an activity for a client and search for their name, all of the old deals…
In case you missed it... the best of Pipedrive in 2021
Looking to make a strong start in 2022? We've compiled a list of the best features we released last year to help you do just that. From closing deals faster with Smart Docs to finding more leads with LeadBooster credits, we think there's something for everyone. Check out our article and see what you may have missed in 2021.
Filtering options on goals reports!
It'd be great to be able to apply filters to goals like you can with other insights reports. Such as if we wanted a forecast with goals but only allowing for deals with a probability above 80%.
Email Activity - Duplication Frustrations
For 3 years I've been using this software and I'm super frustrated that despite using the bcc when sending emails I then need to create that email as an activity then clear the activity so that it registers when I want to track the activity. This is very painful as I'm carrying out 2 actions for each activity. I was told…
Use more than once filters in insight
In the insight, when we use a filter (like "Organization" "is not" "..."), we cannot use an other time this same filter ("organization" "is not" if we don't want 2 organizations) Or an other case, I wanted to track "Offers" and when they move from one step to one other. I want to use and report all offers which "Step…
Boa tarde pessoal, alguém pode me informar se quando arrasto a etiqueta de um cliente (ex:) do prime
Boa tarde pessoal, alguém pode me informar se quando arrasto a etiqueta de um cliente (ex:) do primeiro estágio do funil (Novos leads) diretamente para o terceiro estágio (V1), o pipe contabiliza que passou pelo segundo estágio?(primeiro con..) Ou preciso arrastar para o estágio dois e depois para o três para ele…
List of Report/Chart Ideas for Pipedrive Insights
Hi everyone! I am pre-selling a list of chart/report ideas for Pipedrive Insights. I have curated this list from the point of view of sales leadership, sales management, and individual salespeople. The final digital product will also contain screenshots of how to configure these and what it would look like, with a summary…
Organisations Report?
Hello, I'm using PipeDrive Pro. I want to create the following report: I've contacted 92 companies in 01/21. I have a first Multiple Choice custom field for Organisations called "Campaign". All 92 companies phoned in 01/21 have the value "01/21" in their "Campaign" field. I have a second Multiple Choice custom field for…
Discovering Pipedrive Insights using Tableau
Sometime in July, I shared a Tableau dashboard that I had built using the Deals data from Pipedrive. It is proving to be incredibly useful for clients I work with. A few(!) people liked it and I decided to package it in the form of a digital product: * Snapshots of Tableau dashboards ($0) * Just an eBook ($100) in the form…
How Can I change the Insights Currency?
I moved from USD as the main currency to UK GBP. The deals etc are all in GBP but on the insights dashboard the language and currency is still English US. I deactivated all other currencies but insights is still showing USD. Help? Thanks!
Geographical Report
How do I create a Report geographically in Insights Section ? There is no Address in drop down of Deal category. Please guide.
CRM Specialist
I have been working on the insights feature of Pipedrive and i feel we must be able to filter data based on custom monetary fields. As for my company we use these for filling product values. So the objective is to get reports based on each product performance. Currently, it's not possible as there is a limitation in…
Insights navigation update! Manage your reports and dashboards with custom sections
Do you have a large number of reports and dashboards? If so, we’ve made it easier to find the data you need. Our latest Insights update lets you group reports and dashboards in sections, delete old reports and rename sections to match your sales processes. Head over to our blog to find out how to set up your custom section…
New: Insights filters update 📊
What? It is now possible to select multiple organizations and persons in Deal filters For whom? All users and plans. When? Available now for all regions.
New: Insights side navigation menu revamp 📊
What? It is now possible to: * Create new sections in sidenav menu for reports and dashboards * Add items to newly created sections * Rename sections * Delete sections * Bulk delete several reports at once * UI change - there is now a single button for creating Dashboard, Reports and Goals (located next to search) For…
Activity reports now available in Insights
It is now possible to create reports and dashboards about your Activities! In addition to standard questions like How many activities were added or completed, Insights will also answer questions like: * What is planned for this week? - viewing results by Due Date * What is done/scheduled on a daily basis? * How…
Help needed: How can I filter "subscription" and there "description" containing a word
Challenge: I would like to see all companies with one or more deals where special words are included in the description of the subscription. Problem: Unfortunately, these fields do not appear in the Insights and Filters for selection. Background: We use the recurring billing model for all products that have an endless…
SalesDocs Insights
Sales Docs Needs: * Insight Reports on which deals have quotes or proposals within sales docs. A simple yes/no would suffice to start * Insight Reports on conversion rate from proposal to close * API Event for when a sales doc is created * A count of total number of docs per deal, broken into sub-categories of proposals,…
Report on People
Hey, it would be great to start seeing reporting on People in Pipedrive In some cases data is held against the person as it suits better to be captured there instead of a Lead or Deal. Thank you & apologies if there have been many posts like this before!
Requesting Insights Display Contact Person's Organization
Currently we are only able to view a contact person's organization in deals list view and the organization associated with the deal is the only option for insights. How could we add these 3 categories of organizations (deal, person, organization) to insights? Is this already available or is it a feature I may request? I…
custom reports with customized detail fields
How can we customize a report with the information from our customized details column?