Updating tags in Mailchimp
I am using a custom field to create tags for all of the customer. What I want is for that information to be updated to the connected Mailchimp service in their tags. Is anyone doing this? Are there other mailing platforms that I can use instead which will allow me this functionality?
How to track notes where I have been tagged with @MyName
Pipeline is used by our Sales/BD team, contracts development team and finance teams. And then Management too. in a deal when someone wants other team member to do something, they add a note with @TeamMemberName. We have synced with outlook and we get am email when someone tags me in, I get an email. But it becomes…
workflow emails - send with outlook instead?
Is it possible to have outlook send my automated emails instead of Pipedrive? I switched my "send email links" to outlook and it works well, but I would love to automate my emails with workflows but I cannot due to limitations in Pipedrive's email. My company is very specific about fonts used, buttons (links), logos and…
Do you use external automation tool ? (Zapier N8n Integromat) ?
Do you use external automation tool ? (Zapier N8n Integromat) ?
Send Email from Template when Organization is Created or Updated and Primary Contact is created or u
All I want to do is import my spreadsheet of leads. Then have an email sent to the designated Admin Email from the import. The conditions could be Organization Created or Organization Updated with Booth Number being the field Also it could be Contact Created or Contact Updated with the field being Admin Email for the…
Manage automatically your leads entry (or other task)
Hello everyone, I've created several scenarios that allow me to treat automatically my lead's entry from a form or, a contact sheet, or by Calendly (or other book meeting apps such as Setmore or Acuityscheduling). My scenario does not duplicate any information such as organization, person except if it needed My scenario…
Activity Automation
Option when lead/contact replies to an email or call, rest of the activity is automatically canceled/deleted. Workflow Automation do not yet support email as triggers conditions for actions, but would be a useful thing.
Pipedrive Automations.
Hey Pipedrivers, Today, we are launching Bardeen 2.0 on Product Hunt. We are a tool that automates your manual work with web apps. Here are a few of my favorite Pipedrive automations: * Save person from LinkedIn to Pipedrive * Create an activity with a shortcut * Automatically open Pipedrive contacts from your upcoming…
Can you update a deal stage based on an email open?
Hey everyone, I am wondering whether I can update a deal stage based on an email open. Also whether I can trigger an email based on a deal stage?? Does anyone know of any third party integrations that can help?? Thanks everyone!
Copy field value to new custom field
Hi. Once we win a deal I want to copy the deal value to a custom data field and automate that step. Has anyone been able to figure out how to do this? It appears I can only enter a number and have it copy a value from an existing field.
I made a WordPress plugin for Pipedrive
Good morning! We wanted an easy way to create deals in Pipedrive from form submissions on our WordPress site, so I created a plugin for it. It's pretty simple right now but does what we need :) Easily integrate Pipedrive CRM with your WordPress site – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org Cheers! Zeb Fross
파이프드라이브 워크플로우 예시: 특정 조건 충족 시에만 활동 생성하기
질문: 특정한 조건이 충족될 때에만 활동이 생성되게 하고 싶어요. 답변; 워크플로우의 '조건' 을 통해 특정 조건이 충족될 때에만 액션이 진행되게 세팅할 수 있습니다. 활용 예시: * 거래 라벨이 'Hot'인 경우와, 'Cold'인 경우 각각 다른 영업 활동 생성 * (커스텀 데이터 필드 설정) 리드 스코어링 값이 50 이상일 때 특정 활동 생성 위 예시 이외에도, 커스텀 데이터 필드 혹은 파이프드라이브의 데이터 필드를 이용해, 특정 조건이 성립될 때에만 발동하는 워크플로우를 구현하실 수 있습니다. < 거래 라벨이 Hot인 경우에만 특정 활동이 생성되는 자동화 예시 > *…
Trying to create workflow automation where Trigger: Activity Type = Newsletter Bounced to remove ema
Trigger: Activity Type = Newsletter Bounced Actions: * Remove email address(es) from Person * Remove value(s) from custom Email List person field * Adds value of "Yes" to custom Email Bounced person field I believe there's a limitation in workflow automations which will not let me do certain portions of this (remove email…
Assign Roles to Participants + Automation
We have participants that can perform different roles on different deals. Being able to assign and view a role that they play in this specific deal would be really useful. Updating participants (according to their role) on a deal takes a lot of our time. Being able to set some automation for tasks, texts and emails so that…
Adding person/org fields as mandatory for closing deals
In Pipedrive's professional tier we're able to set certain deal fields as mandatory for closing a deal. However, sometimes critical fields reside in the person / organization and not the deal - and the current implementation prohibits from setting person fields as required for deal progress or closing. Is it planned to add…
Pipedrive & eCommerce - workflow tips
Hi, I'm new to Pipedrive, just getting started with replacing my a bit outdated Excel-based CRM with Pipedrive. I am also looking for other useful tools to make work with Pipedrive easeir. Especially with the focus on B2B sales. Does anyone have useful tools to recommend that work well with Pipedrive and can do some of the…
Workflow automation
Looking for the functionality that'd allow emailing a deal contact automatically as the deal moves to a different stage of the funnel. Each stage would need a different email template. I am also looking to automate deals to move-on to the next stage if the deal has been sitting in its current stage for more than a defined…
Deal / Workflow
Is it possible to add a workflow/activity to the created deals afterwards? Greetings from Berlin
workflow automation.....should be able to schedule an e-mail from a template at points in future
workflow automation.....should be able to schedule e-mails to be sent from a template at points in future...for instance F/U 1 at 1 day after proposal sent F/U 2 at 2 weeks after proposal sent F/U 3 at 2 months after proposal sent
Question: What happens to a workflow if its creator is deactivated?
Let's say I deactivate a user Alice who created a workflow W. Then what happens if I deactivate Alice? * Is the workflow W still triggered even though the creator Alice is deactivated? * What if the workflow W is designed to create a deal owned by Alice? Does it create a new deal owned by a deactivated user Alice?
Workflow logic is limiting, any one else having issues with this?
Does anyone else find the linear logic limiting in workflows? Pipedrive only allows 30 or 60 or 90 workflows depending on your subscription level, but because of linear logic, you need a new workflow for every stage in your pipe. With this limitation you need 8 separate workflows for a pipe with 8 stages instead of being…
Workflow automation using emails or text messages
Questioning if Pipedrive has capability to confirm, remind, and follow up on scheduled events via workflow automation? I use this capability with Calendly but would prefer to stay within Pipedrive. Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Webinaari: Account management Pipedrivessa 10.02.2022
Moro! Me vedetään kollegani Pertin kanssa hyvä tiivis ja asiapitoinen webinaari miten hyödyntää Pipedrivea asiakashallinnassa (Account Management tai Customer Success). Kannattaa ilmoittautua, jos vähänkään kiinnostaa aihe. Pipedrive on toki pitkälti luotu tukemaan uusasiakashankintaa myyntiputkimaisuutensa puolesta,…
Bonjour, Après renseignement il n'est pas possible d'empêcher les commerciaux de se prendre des affaires entre eux . L'on me conseil de créer des alertes . Voici ce que j'ai fait . Cela marche mais je n'arrive pas à savoir qui à changer quoi ? Comment faire pour avoir ces informations ? Organisation mise à jour 2 CONDITION…
Editing Workflow's among PD Admins
Hello, Is it possible to edit workflows created by other admins? This would be helpful if the admin is out of the office and the workflow needs to be updated ASAP, or if the owner is no longer working for the company.
Automations with emails
Hello all, i'm trying to understand how works automations. my desire: * When i send an email choosing a model, then create a task can anyone help me? regards!
파이프드라이브 워크플로우 예시: 활동 완료 후 팔로우업 활동 생성
질문: 영업 활동이 완료된 후 활동을 푸쉬하기 위한 팔로우업을 자동화하고 싶어요. 답변: 파이프드라이브의 워크플로우를 통해 활동 완료 후 자동으로 다음 활동이 생성되게 만들 수 있습니다. 활용 예시: * 이메일을 통한 견적 발송 활동 완료 -> 견적서 발송 팔로우업 활동 생성 * 청구서 발송 활동 완료 -> 청구서에 따른 결제 요청 푸쉬 팔로우업 활동 생성 예시로 든 활동 이외에도 모든 활동에 대해 팔로우업 활동을 이어가게끔 자동으로 활동이 설정되게 구현할 수 있습니다. < 활동 완료 후 팔로우업 활동 워크플로우 자동화 예시 > * 워크플로우 흐름 * 활동 상태가 '완료'로…
Can "no activity" be a trigger?
Is it possible to have an automated workflow that sends a templated email, only when there has been no activity for a specified amount of time on the deal in that stage? I want a follow up email to go out when there's been zero activity for 7 days. If the potential customer has come back to us within the 7 days, we can…
Information sur les changements de propriétaire de lead
J'ai un souci avec mes commerciaux qui se prennent des leads . Ils peuvent changer de propriétaire sans que personne ne soit informé . Il est impossible de les en empêcher . J'au créé une automatisation pour être informé . Le problème est que sur mon automatisation n'apparait pas le nom du lead , ni le nom du commercial…