How can I move more than a hundred cards at the same time to another funnel?
I am changing the funil that we use at the company and we need to send all the cards at the old funil to the new one. Problem is that we have more than 700 cards do rearrange
Manage Retreats
Hi, I would like to manage Retreats with Pipedrive. The following situation/requirements: I have for example 8 Retreats per year Each Retreat has a certain capacity of Rooms. Let's say Retreat A has a capacity of 10 rooms while Retreat B has a capacity of 8 rooms My main intention to use Pipedrive is to manage…
Dupliquer un modèle de document
Bonjour, Ce serait pertinent d'ajouter la fonction pour dupliquer des modèles de document. J'ai des conventions de formations différentes pour chaque formation, j'aurai gagner du temps si je pouvais dupliquer car là je dois toujours reprendre le doc originale puis ajouter les champs adresse client, stagiaires pour chaque…
Creating Line graphs for comparison in Insights
The ability to create line graphs and combine reports into one graph, for comparison, trend searching etc…
Sort By Zip Code
As we work our territories it would be great to sort job sites or offices by postal code. And have them show up in google maps.
Pin Drop Feature
We sell to constructions sites. At the beginning of construction many of these sites do not have physical addresses yet. It would be nice to click to add pin drop or coordinates.
Getting a Mail when a deal is minimum one day (24h) without an new activity
Hi! May you can help me to build a simple workflow that send to an creator of a deal an automatic mail when an OPEN Deal hasnt got a new activity for 24h? Thanks for help! 🙏 Christian
Using data fields to capture marketing activities
I use pipedrive to capture how prospects interact with our content and webinars. Each time someone downloads a piece of content I've set up a zapier automation that creatives a new value in a person multiple options field. However, I'm now experiencing problems as some fields have many values in them and I'm not able to…
Trying to run a Person report with a "new" label added
Hi, I added a "new" label to both Person and Organization called "Holiday Gift" and I am trying to test running a report on that label but none of my test people or orgs show up as a result. However, I added a "Current Customer" label awhile ago and the person with that Label is showing up. Does it take a few days for this…
Campaigns: Receiving auto-replies and bounce notifications to the reply-to email
I was told Pipedrive made the decision earlier this year to stop generating auto-replies and bounce notifications for campaigns to the reply-to email. This is a critical part of maintaining the integrity of our CRM, and our old email marketing platform Mailchimp was providing this. Please bring this back.
Attach Zoom Meeting Cloud Link To Deal
FEATURE REQUEST Our sales process heavily relies on Zoom Meetings, Pipedrive's Zoom meeting integration is great, but would be brilliant if it imported the Zoom Cloud Based URL for the meeting once it was completed. We have multiple advisors connect with our clients at various stage through the sales buying cycle, having…
Preventing Users from Modifying Others Activity Status
Is there any way to prevent users from changing the activity status of other users?
Make the product section in the Pipedrive deal a required field.
At the company I work for, I am responsible for using Pipedrive and the data the sales team put into the system. Now I often have the same problem that our sales team does not fill in the ‘products’ piece in the deal. This part is very important for our company to see what products are in the ‘pipeline’ and, of course, to…
Make the sandbox have the same featureset as our production instance
We are trying to use the sandbox to prove out potential configuration changes we would make in our production instance of pipedrive. Is there a way we can make the sandbox have the same featureset as our production instance? For example, we can setup visibility groups in the sandbox. Thanks for your help.
Can we create a new pipeline for Account Management after the sale?
Our org has been using Pipedrive to track the sales process. We love it. However, after we mark a sold account as "WON", is that the end? Can we create a new pipeline and move the WON account into a new ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT pipeline? Please advise and thanks in advance! KEvin
Settings to change the Document expiration date
60 days is sometimes not long enough for my clients workflow (using for Travel Waivers, not sales contracts) I would like to see a global setting for doc where you can specify the duration prior to doc expiration and/or turn of expiration.
Deal Labels -- Change order of appearance
Hi. We are making much more active use of deal labels, which involves changing and reorganizing labels in addition to just assigning them. The fact that the labels drop down list always shows them in chronological order leads to lots of scrolling and means that the labels that are most likely to be (almost) obsolete appear…
Want to create a customer facing portal and integrate with pipedrive. Has anyone already done it?
Product datafields
Hi everyone. We are facing a problem with product datafields periodically. Why can't they be seen in deals? Thanks
Boolean: True / False Fields
I'm 100% sure I have to be missing how to create a true/false field besides a dropdown field that contains true and false values only. Can someone please tell me how to create a boolean true/false field? Thank you!
Notifications - Close button
Hello, it'd be a nice have being able to close the notifications that pop-up in the bottom right corner when any update is performed wherever.
Include Projects in reports / dashboards
Hi It would be really useful to display dashboards for our projects now we have launched this for our project management. Even just a view of the project board would be great.
Address Field NEEDS Zip Code!
I've been using PIpedrive for 10+ years, and the address validation that occurs during entry is great -- except it doesn't display the zipcode unless you start to type it. The funny thing is the Zip Code is decoded and stored the the deals table custom field, available via the API. I need it to display in the field for…
Email: Reply on top / Send button always visible / Cmd+Enter to send / Move tools above typing pane
First of all, I love PD and have been using it for more than 5 years. Yet, there's a few things that have always driven me nuts. Here's a few of them pertaining to emails. Whenever I want to reply to an email, the reply pane ends up at the very bottom of the screen, below the messages. The send button often ends up out of…
Can we CC on Group Emails
Is there a way we can CC specific additional personnel on Group Emails in Pipedrive
Is it possible to create a general signature for every user?
I would like to create a general template for a signature in Pipedrive where every employee only has to change their name and title and phone number. The Pipedrive email tool is also unable to fully put in the signature we use due to the limited editing options (font, font size, tables) etc.. I would love to have more…
New: Speed up your LinkedIn prospecting with Surfe
Hey Pipedrive community! Capturing LinkedIn lead data should be easy. Save time manually switching between tabs and bring your CRM straight to LinkedIn with the Surfe integration for Pipedrive. Try it today using the link below to get two months free: Try Surfe free With the Surfe integration for Pipedrive, you can qualify…
Add another status (won/lost/open) Need No Bid
How do I add another option to 'status'. Need to add No Bid to the Won, Lost and Open options.
Edit data fields in leads table views (like you can for deals/contacts/orgs)
Currently, when you want to edit data fields for leads you have to click into the lead before you can edit the field. In the deals view (and also contacts and orgs views) you can edit the deal data fields from the table, not having to click into each deal. This is much faster and more efficient for editing deals quickly.…
Overview of all customers that we have sent a esignature request via Pipedrive
Hello, we are using the esignature feature in Pipedrive. Can we export or filter for a list of all customers, that received a request to sign a document via the esignature feature?