Sender First Name in Email Templates
It would be great to be able to set up email templates with just the User First Name as a field. The full name option can look too formal at times.
Integrate Sales Navigator with PipeDrive
Is there a PipeDrive integration with Sales Navigator, where you can use the PipeDrive group email functionality to send multiple leads in Sales Navigator customized messages all at once? Example, I communicate with most of my leads through the Sales Navigator message feature. In my business, it's far more effect than…
Who sends a lost deal?
Hello everyone How to get a report on which person sent a lost deal? If two people can see a deal and both can send it to lost, is there a way to get that data? 😓
Overdue activities reporting
Hi I would like to see how many overdue activities each sales rep has. I look through reports creation but didn't find anything matching this need. Coudl you please advice? Thank you!
Filter för spårade öppnade e-postmeddelande
Hej. I listan för affärer så skulle jag vilja göra ett filter för att få ut vilka som har öppnat mina mejl respektive de som ej har öppnat mejlen jag skickat. Jag har en fas med gamla kunder som jag kontaktar och jag vill rensa/städa den då vill jag lägga dessa gamla kunder i två nya faser beroende om de öppnar mejlen…
Turn off "Summarize this conversation with AI".
I want this to go away? I will never use it and it's constantly in my face all day. Huge bar like a advertisement. Is there a way?
Automated "Last Updated" on Profiles/Orgs/Deals
Interested in the possibility of adding a field in the top bar of profiles (Organization, Person, Deals, etc.) of when something was updated (date and time), and by who. I currently set up an automation that will update the dates when a field is updated, but that is hidden in the side-nav as I can't force it into the…
Exporting email tracking data to view number of email views and link clicks
I'm trying to export information for group emails. I can view the email tracking info on notifications, however, I would like to be able to export the info to include the contact details alongside the number of email views and link clicks. I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this. Does anyone know an answer to this…
History filters on Person, Company and Deal level for activities
It would be great if the activities under history could be filtered by the type of activities e.g. meetings, emails or calls. As of now all activities are listed in a chronological order but it would be very helpful if I could select a certain type of activities.
Calculando Relatório de Progresso
Não sei se seria somente eu que penso assim, Mas o Relatório de PROGRESSO DE NEGÓCIO deveria conter também um campo de conversão, na minha opnião é o unico ponto ruim do pipedrive, onde tenho que apelar para o power bi. Olha como seria bacana - de 2310 Leads, 901 foram qualificados, desses 901 somente 116 foram para…
Notifications pop-up inconveniently on top of save button
Hello! When I'm editing products of a deal or a note in Pipedrive, the save button of that editing window is located in the right bottom corner - exactly where notifications pop up if you have them on. This results in misclicks - you are about to click save, but notification pops up in the last second taking you to…
Create a recurring task
Hello pipedrive lovers, it would be really great to be able to create recurring spots in Pipedrive. For example, I have to do every month - tax returns - pay - etc ... I have a list of huge activities that repeat every month, every quarter .... and currently I have to create as many spots as I have repeat. It's quite a…
Project tasks in Automation to create Activities in Project?
Good evening Pipedrive Community, we have the challenge that we want to create an automation that look into the projects and if a task is checked as done with a defined title, it create a new activity in the project. Is it possible? We look into the Automation Dashboard and only see Projects or Activitys as Triggers but no…
Can you provide Popl like functionality?
Everyone wants a QR code or NFC business card. The problem is, you tap with someone and goodbye. You don't capture their data. If you could make a landing page with my photo and info and they must enter their info to download the VCF Contact Card that would be great. Then you can make it an activity, and I can go back the…
Filtering Email Campaigns in Pipedrive CRM
Hi everyone, I'm reaching out to see if anyone has any tips for filtering email campaigns in Pipedrive CRM. I send email campaigns for each of our sales reps, and these are broken down into sales regions and sub-areas. This means that my email campaigns list is very long and can be difficult to navigate. A filter function…
Average for numerical Custom Fields
I am trying to make a report on the average for a numerical custom field so I can look at the average of that field over a specific time period. This should be an easy feature to add and im shocked Pipedrive can't do this, and surprised this hasn't been requested by other users.
List all participants to a deal
Currently, each deal has a primary person and bunch of participants. We're trying to generate a list of all participants to a filtered list of deals - the use case is to output a list of names and email addresses that we can load into Hubspot or MixMax to run a campaign. Searching on the Deal page only gives info on the…
Show number of uploaded Files
In Pipedrive History you can see the number of Notes, Activities and Email that are connected to a Deal or Person. But when you upload Files there is no counter. The idea is to introduce a counter also for number of uploaded Files.
Conditional sections in Smart Docs
Make sections in Smart docs dependant on custom fields or specific products in Pipedrive. This can highly automate quote/contract creation tailored to the deal, customer or what products you are quoting. ie. I have a deal that contains both an implementation and licenses in products = Show section for implementation + show…
Making Smart Docs actually SMART with signature placeholders in templates
Smart Docs is ineffective because we have to add signature placeholders every. single. time. a proposal is sent to a prospect. See PandaDoc snipper below; both merge tags and signature placeholder possible when creating a template. Please add this?
Pipedrive push notifications don't work with Zapier
We have been using Zapier with Pipedrive to create Deals, Persons, etc. But the push notifications to the app just don't work… I'm sure the issue is because the even is created from Zapier instead from the Pipedrive app. Any suggestion for this? We don't use Slack
Threading/link email to specific DEAL
Dear Pipedrivers, I guess we all are big fans of linked emails to our deals BUT I for example have couple clients with who we work on dozens of jobs over the year. If I link the new emails related to a new deal to that new deal all my communications disappear from the previous deal!!! This is far from ideal. My suggestions…
New: Field descriptions + field stats 📝
Hey Pipedrivers 👋 This February, we’re releasing a few updates to custom fields, making them easier both for Admin users to manage and regular users to fill out: Field descriptions – Advanced plan and above Available on the Advanced plan and beyond. Admin users can now set a description on the Lead/Deal type fields to let…
Address formatted has Chinese character
Hey all, I received data from webhook with address selected as "address": { "admin_area_level_1": "Victoria", "admin_area_level_2": "Whitehorse City", "country": "Australia", "formatted_address": "Australia, Victoria, Box Hill, Whitehorse Rd, 2邮政编码: 3128", "locality": "Box Hill", "postal_code": "3128", "route": "Whitehorse…
Create filter with ALL the participants concerned by a deal
Hi I wanted to have a filter in which I could have all the participants included in a won deal. Does not seems possible
Trigger if lead deleted and no deal created.
Looking for a way to delete spam contacts. Website form feeds into leads inbox. Lots of spam, looking at ways to minimize it but with AI things have gotten pretty difficult last year or so. I'd like to be able to automatically delete the contact when deleting a lead. If I convert to a deal it still triggers lead deleted so…
Everything Pipedrive Documents is missing to be a serious proposal / contract esignature tool
I've been using Pipedrive Documents for a few months. It feels like this product is a v1 that was a bit overengineered in dimensions that don't really matter and is missing a few key things and usability in dimensions that matter a great deal. I'm going to focus on the latter, and list my requests in descending order of…
How to see Lost reason on Left Sidebar in Deal
Is there anyway that I can see the lost reason for leads on sidebar when I open the lead from Kanban view ?
Product Price Variation or Discount based on Organisation
Is there a way to automatically apply either a discount or price variation based on the organisation assigned against a deal. For example my company gives some of our long term, large customers flat rates of discount that we would want to apply to all future deals/products associated to those deals.
Activity Filters need Done Activities
We need to be able to quickly sort to done Activities on the Activities tab. It is very common that we open the Activity tab, select a User from the dropdown, and then want to see their Done activities. It is burdensome to have to create a filter of done activities for each User! (and that filter doesn't seem to show…