Ability to attach PDFs to campaign emails
Hello, Pipedrivers! I am requesting the ability to attach PDFs to campaign emails. (Short and sweet request.) Thank you, keep up the excellent work. ✨
What if admin users want to see deals that they follow?
According to the Knowledge Base article on Visibility Groups, Admin Users can still view and edit any item with this visibility restriction, as they have editing powers over everything in Pipedrive. But what if admin users have some deals they follow, and they do want to see these deals only in the pipeline? * I know I can…
Deal visibility in Pipeline view for deals I follow
Deals have a single owner, but sometimes others contribute to deals - these users are always followers of the deal. Would be very useful for Deals where the current user is a Follower to appear in the Pipeline view (potential flagged as Followed vs Owner deal).
Cannot Delete Custom Fields
Hello, I created a few custom fields for deals. I later decided i no longer need some of them. I have deleted them, and they no longer appear on the custom fields settings. However, the fields and their data are still appearing on my insights reports. Before deleting them, they were appearing as duplicates in my reports,…
Pipedrive Contact Enrichment: A simple 10-Step Guide
Discover how to automate Pipedrive contact enrichment using Clay.com. This 10-step guide shows you how to boost your CRM's value effortlessly. Tool used: Clay.com (affiliate link: sign up to receive 3,000 credits worth $229 when you upgrade)
Duplicate deal date change
Hi, If anyone encountered this issue and found a work around I'd be happy to hear it. The situation is as follows - I made an automation that created a duplicate deal when I mark and existing deal as Won. I need the duplicate deal's expected close date to be set to a year from the original "Expected close date", but the…
What is the easiest way to merge the data from 2 pipedrive accounts?
We have two separate Pipedrive accounts that we would like to unite, what is the easiest way to do this?
Ability to set company's own fiscal year and quarters needed
Currently Pipedrive sets quarters in sync with the calendar year ONLY and we can circumvent that by adding custom dates to everything, but the ability to set your fiscal year in Pipedrive and have your quarters be reflected would be a huge feature upgrade!
Alternate languages for custom fields
It's weird that I haven't read this as a feature request anywhere. I hear it really often from international companies: Custom fields should be translatable. Many companies have employees with different native languages. Pipedrive itself can be used in many languages, but I can't translate my own fields (and the values in…
Labels on the tabs in the Left Hand Navigation
I really struggle to differentiate between the different icons in the main left hand nav. Ironically, you've aria-label'd them all up, so users using screenreaders can more easily identify them, which is good at least! I'd love an option to just show these labels so I can quickly identify where is which. I'm happy it being…
Ability to change or customize "Lead Sources"
Several of the pre-canned Lead Sources are not applicable to my business and equally I am unable to add a couple of new Lead Sources. I'd like to see the ability for this filed in Pipedrive to be customizable.
Time Tracker That Imports Pipedrive Products?
Hi everybody, We are successfully using PD as an order management system (connected with MRPeasy for inventory) with the only exception being time tracking. Unlike many businesses that want to time tasks in a project, we want to track time spent producing a product. Hence, we are looking for an integrated app (either…
Workflow Automation | Create Activities when Product is added to a Deal
When a product is added to a deal currently there is no way to create an activity or do any automation. When products are added this can be a critical step and needs to allow automation of the workflow to happen. For example Product XX is added we need to create an activity for an employee. Product YY is added then an…
Activate visability for notes
Hi I would like to have the option to make my notes available to certain teams or users on Pipedrive.
I looking for a way to filter the deals data created by date.
Hello, good morning. I looking for a way to filter the deals data created by date. Example: I want it to show me the data from March 3 to July 12. I have searched in the documentation and I still can't find the way to do it, I hope you can help me with this.
Add a Snooze Email function to Sales Inbox
Hi Pipedrive team! Please add a Snooze Email function to Sales Inbox. This is a brilliant feature that is now standard in email clients such as Gmail and Outlook. It allows the user to choose a time interval (Later today, Tomorrow, This weekend, Next week) or select a Date & Time for when the email should reappear in their…
How can I add Buttons in the Lead Detail-view which trigger template-notes + Follow-up 2 days later?
Hi, we do a lot of cold calling and most calls require the same notes and follow-ups. It would be great to automatically set those Notes and then automatically book an activity 2 days later by clicking a button For example: Customer states that the right contact person is not available right now. Now we click on the new…
How can sending an E-Mail convert a Lead into a Deal + book a Follow-Up Activity 3 days later?
Hi, we have around 5 people cold-calling potential customers from the Lead Inbox and I want to save our employees time after each call by automating our workflow. After each call, a prospect who is interested will usually ask for an E-Mail with our contact-info. We send them via pipedrive so it would be fantastic if…
Filtering on People that I Follow
Does anyone know if it's possible to add a criteria to a Filter that says to only show me People that I follow? I'm currently looking at a Filter, but I don't see any options that would allow this. My Filter has an address like this: mycompany.pipedrive.com/persons/list/filter/1090 Our Pipedrive has over 18,000 people in…
Linking activities to deals
Hi, we make our booking link available to applicants when they apply in a Typeform. This creates a deal in Pipedrive, but the booking link activity does not link to that deal on Pipedrive. I can manually do this in the activity view by searching for their deal, but is there a way to automate linking these activities to the…
How to get a detailed view of a pipeline phase for reporting
How do I get a detailed view of a pipeline phase for reporting? Thank you, Lory
Move duplicate Deals in another Pipeline stage
Hello, There is the possibility that I get more then one Deal with the same organisation but another contact. I plan that the new duplicate deal gets moved to a Pipeline stage "duplicate" automatically. Right now my automatisation looks like this: But it seems like it's not working. I don't get it. If there is a new Deal…
Campaigns based on deal information OR... deal templates
I'm trying the campaign feature and see that I can only use Person tokens (first and last name, etc.). Is it possible to create a deal-based campaign? For instance, I would send emails to the contacts associated with a deal (let's say all deals created in the last week) with the ability to use deal token properties in the…
Web Forms API filling
I didn't find a definitive answer to this in the documentation. If I create a Web Form, can it be filled out through the API? We have several highly customized forms on our site. We want to keep them as they are, but when someone submits them, send the answers to a 'sister' Web Form, this way we can map answers to specific…
Automatically create PipeDrive leads from other applications
We are looking for ways to automatically push leads into PipeDrive from other sources (other tools), not via an import, but via an API of maybe even Zapier. Is this already possible. If not , are there any plans to add this?
Challenge your Pipedrive configuration with this quiz
Hi community 👋, I have created a quiz to help Pipedrive users make a diagnosis on their usage and configuration of the CRM. This quiz is designed to give you actionable tips to optimize your setup. You will receive a detailed report with practical tips to fine-tune your setup and keep Pipedrive running smoothly. 🚀 Here is…
Web Visitors - change Logo
When I visit my own website, PipeDrive is recording it in PipeDrive as a visitor. This is all good. But it is linking an old logo (See attached) and an old name (Allari Solutions, Inc.). We have since rebranded…
New: Multiple labels for Contacts 🗂️
Hello, fellow community members! The Multiple Labels for contacts feature is coming out of beta and is being released to companies in all regions. What: You can assign many labels to the same person or organization. Learn more about using contact labels from our Knowledge Base article here. For whom: All plans. When:…
How to Determine Pipedrive User's Plan via API?
Hello everyone, I'm developing a third-party app to help Pipedrive users integrate with more applications. When using the POST /v1/persons API to create a person, the visible_to parameter changes based on the user's plan. How can I determine the user's current plan via the API, or how can I check if the user is on a…
Pipedrive Support
Hello, I would like to know how to contact a supports person on Pipedrive to get some help? The chatbot is quite useless, as I understand some changes were made to the chatbot and now its not possible to get into contact with anyone from support, you get a generic answer that doesn't relate to the issue provided and the…