Wir suchen Unterstützung, um formatierte Angebote direkt an unsere Kunden zu senden
Hello, wir suchen Unterstützung um direkt aus pipedrive schickformatierte Angebote (wahrscheinlich pdf) an unsere Kunden zu versenden, die sie dann elektronisch unterschrieben an uns zurück schicken können bzw ausdrucken / unterschrieben / einscannen (je nach dem wie sie drauf sind. Die Produkte sowie die Kontaktdaten der…
Creare automatismo con etichetta degli affari.
E' possibile creare una attività partendo dalla etichetta di un affare? gb :-)
Require ability to use Custom Fields for Insights Dashboard/Reports
Firstly, the Insights Dashboard reporting is a fantastic improvement for Pipedrive. One area which could however enhance this offering even more, would be the ability to use custom fields when setting up a new report. In our particular scenario, we have a custom field on Deals called 'Business Unit' whereby deals are split…
Saving column layout and filters
I would be nice to be able to save Views like you can save filters.
Is there a way to add a label (Cold, Warm, Hot) to leads generated via LeadBooster?
change deal rotting specifically to one deal
is there a way to change a deals rotting specifically to a deal and not just through editing the pipeline deals section? My deals are with contractors which they may make a decision in one month or in 8 months. I want to be able to contact them when needed but not too often. This way I can visually know for each specific…
Easy to copy/paste phone field (like BCC fields)
Since in our company, we don't have our softphones connected to Pipedrive it would be awesome if it was also possible to select an option that makes the phone field appear like the BCC field. This way it would be super easy to copy/paste it. In the past, we faced issues like one could only copy the number when being in the…