Can the deals presented in the pipeline be edited so the company is at the top?
So the order of this deal would be "Pizza Hut" then "Pizza Hut deal /ref" and then "Craig David". Is there a way to be able to reorganise these little rectangles? Thanks, Brish🤗
Products to deals with Direct cost / gross margin
It seems odd, that there is an option (when adding new products) to set the "Direct cost", but that cost is not shown when adding products to a deal, for calculating the gross margin. That could end up in situations where the sales agent is selling the product with a discount, that is more than the cost of the product.…
Need to identify document attached to deal
I need to identify certain documents inside a deal. Like: Drivers License, Signed Contract, Insurance certificate, etc. Pipedrive by default allows me to upload files but beyond the description I cannot select what type of document it belongs to. I need to have this identified to later send through an integration to the…
How do you deal with future deals
Mortgage Broker here. All my clients sign up to review their mortgage 6 months before their current deal ends which means that deal start date is important to me. I create a new deal with the start date (custom field) set to 6 months before the deal end date so I can contact the client to get the review underway. My…
Have tabs for the fields in the Deal Page
Be able to allocate the fields within the left hand column in a Deal to be categorised and then the left hand column can be tabbed so you can have several shorter lists of info rather than 1 long list as it currently is.
Organization Notes Should be viewable at the deal level
I believe that many users of Pipedrive may close a deal with an organization and that may be the only deal you close until the contract comes up again. Additionally, I am not quite sure of a deal that could be in play with an organization that wouldn't be assisted by previous deal's notes or organization notes. All that…
Linking Notes from Organizations to Deals.
When I go to create a deal from a contact on the organization tab the new deal links just fine to the organization. If I email the contact from the deal view it shows up as it should within the feed of the organization. However, I cannot seem to find a way to have notes made on the organization page to show up on the deal…
Information not showing up in Deal section
Hello, I have 3 colleagues, we all use Pipedrive. When our deal origination director adds a new deal and links an organisation to that deal, and subsequently adds notes into the Deal, all my colleagues can see these notes in the Deal section of the platform. I do not see these notes/comments unless I click on the…
Automatic Attachment of Products to Deals when Importing from Excel
The ability to automatically attach products to deals when creating them via an Excel import would greatly improve the data import process. This would help users save time, improve data integrity and streamline the process of setting up deals, especially when dealing with a large number of products.
Bulk add products to Deals
Can pipedrive add a feature that allows users to add products to deals in bulk edit mode? Currently, our only option for adding products to a group of deals is to update each individual record. Seems like a fairly easy step to add this ability. User selects deals that they would like to edit (add products to) In the "Bulk…
Link existing deal to person from person view
I would like to be able to add a person as participant to an existing deal from within the person view. I.e. below "+ Add new deal" have a button "Link deal"
New: Flexible tax and discounting for Products 🧮 📦
Hi I’m Jess 👋 a PM at Pipedrive working on the Products feature, and I wanted to let you know that we’ve just released more flexible tax and discounting for products. What will you get with this release? Flexibly configure the price of your deals with the right tax method. You can now add tax exclusive of product amounts,…
Making Organisation fields required on a certain funnel stage
Hello everyone, we are building a Pipeline, where we want to have certain custom fields for the organisation to be required. But only when a deal progresses into a certain pipeline stage. Just like you can make custom fields inportant in a certain funnel stage, we want to make certain fields required in a certain funnel…
Files in Leads
Is there a way to drag and drop files/attachments into Leads, the same way you can in Deals?
CRM Developer
I can quickly and effectively set up the sales process setup that you have planned according to your company. I can control CRM tracking, increase your sales and support your sales process with automations. You can contact me via my e-mail address or via whatsapp for a price quote. @--yakupinac17@gmail.com…
How to filter person/organization existing in two or more deals?
Hello! How exactly should a person or organization that is involved in two or more deals be filtered? For context: I want to remove an inactive pipeline and its deals from Pipedrive, but there are people or organizations there who also appear in some of my other important pipelines. In the 4k+ deals, I have in that…
Filtering to show deals that recently moved from Lost to Open
I can't find a way to filter deals that were switched from Lost to Open within the last month. I can find status changes, but there is no option to show stage changes.
File management Within A Deal
This is a topic I see across numerous discussions and regarded in a few idea submissions but seems like no progress or solution had been created within the Pipedrive System. The organization of files within a deal is severely lacking. Selection to only view files includes every single email that has an attachment which is…
Getting started with Pipedrive [VIDEO]
Hi everyone, I just re-recorded my guide on how to get started with Pipedrive, intended for anyone new to Pipedrive and not sure where to start: 0:00 - Introduction 1:04 - What is Pipedrive and how is it different to other CRM's? 3:20 - Navigation 5:56 - How information is organised in Pipedrive (Org, People, Deal, Lead)…
Adding months to the Automation for lost deals
Please add months to the automation for lost deals. At the moment I only can send a mail for 90 days after a deal is lost. It would be great upgrade this to 6 months. This more realistic in B2B cases.
webhook: products in deal
Is it possible to add an additional type of webhook that will send the updated content of the products in the deal. I need to set up the transfer of information about products added to a deal to my system and I would not like to regularly poll the API endpoint GET /v1/deals/{id}/products
Products Data in E-Mail
We have a customer who sends current prices of his products to dealers via e-mail. Unfortunately, you have failed to make the product data fields accessible in emails. Option 1: Show the products assigned to a deal Option 2: Search for a product and insert the data directly into the email.
Adding products of a deal to automated e-mail
Hi all, Whenever our sales team creates a deal in pipedrive they have to select the products/amounts they have sold. Once the deal is won we have an automated workflow in which there is a mail sent to our distribution center. Currently, the sales team has to write down the products they have sold in a customized field…
Uploading attached products to Deals
Not having the ability to upload attached products to (past) Deals is a real headache because it means we can't get any meaningful product sale data out of insights. We barely use the insights functionality because it's so limited but one report we do need is product (and product category) sales. With all of our previous…
Participants / Email Templates
Pipedrive is a great tool, it needs a few additions that will improve the UX. Deals / Projects are completed by Multiple Team members. It's never 1 person's show. Now that we have multiple team members involved then we need all their contact info available as part of the Deals / Projects / Email Template For Customization…
Unique Identifying Job Number for all new Deals and Projects
Hi all, my organisation has previously requested that Pipedrive add a section for job numbers. We assign a job number to every new client that follows them through our sales, installation and after care service. We're currently using an alternate software to create that job number but it would help us a lot if Pipedrive…
Following deals board
Hi, from time to time there appears a need in our company to have a filter of the following deals on the Pipeline as it would help to following interesting deals more efficiently and react quicker. Do you have such a functionality in your backlog? Thanks! Dalia
Modify the colors of lost deals in the sales funnel to light red for better visualization
Tip: Modify the colors of lost deals in the sales funnel to light red for better visualization (just as earned deals are visible through light green)? I really believe it would make it much easier to visualize the deals in a sales funnel.
Excluding VAT with dealproducts
Hi all, In this article there is a screenshot with the options: * Including tax * excluding tax * no tax But in the article itself there is no paragraf about excluding tax and there is no excluding tax option in my pipedrive. Is there an setting that i cannot find? (I have pipedrive in Dutch)