Add lost date to first popup
Trying to clean up data for our future forecasting and so setting projects that have been 'lost' for months now. I can add the lost time (image 2) only after I've chosen the lost reason in the popup (image 1). Is there a way I can, in that same popup in image 1, also choose the lost time? If not, a feature like this will…
What is the best way to update deal information
I want to make it easier to get all of the necessary Deal information into Pipedrive. What are some best practices and can I leverage workflow automation for this?
Add opportinity managment to deals (similar to projects)
Hello! We as sellers and sales managers face the difficulty to qualify and manage opportunities (e.g. deals) along the way, without losing the oversight of the progress. Especially for B2B SaaS sales for mid-market and enterprise customers, we would need a way to add methodologies such as MEDDPICC, MEDDIC, BANT, SPIN, etc.…
Missing field in the deal "Deal probability"
Hello, As far as I understood there should be the ability to set the probability for each deal separately. Unfortunately, I cannot find the field or button for it. I am the admin and the only user in the system. Does anybody know how to fix it? Thanks!
Show all deals that I follow
Hello, I'm frustrated that I can't simply create a Deal filter for all deals for which I've clicked the Follow button. I just had this confirmed by Support that you do not offer this currently
Organizations Current Time based on Timezone to Show in Deal Header
I wish that you could set the time zone of the organization or deal and it would show that deal's current time in the header when you opened that deal. That would save me so much time and brain power.
Jumping from a Deal to its Pipeline
How can I jump from a Deal to the Pipeline that it is in? I know I can edit the Pipeline and Stage from the bottom left dropdown under the progress bar. But can I jump from a Deal to the Pipeline itself? Seems like something Pipedrive should be able to do! If this is not possible, I will put this in as a feature request.
Remove Pipedrive's Built in Data Fields Option
Hi, I wanted to recommend the idea of giving us the ability to remove pipedrives built in data fields. Whether it is when you want to create a deal or in the deal summary when clicked it can become a distraction. For example, my company does not use %probabilty or expected closing date as it does not rlly fit into our…
Question: Can we keep deals in pipeline even when they got marked as 'won'?
Hi, this is an interesting question from my client. Can we keep deals in pipeline even when they got marked as 'won'? According to the Help Center article, Pipedrive automatically hides all the deals won or lost. Any deal that has been marked as Won or Lost is removed from that view, as it no longer requires your continued…
Best way to have EA screen emails and create deals?
Hi! I'd like my executive assistant to screen incoming emails (to my email) and create deals based on those emails. We each have unique Pipedrive users. I want to avoid doing the initial screening and deal creation myself as I have other responsibilities. What is the best approach to this? Share a single user (mine)? Sync…
Fix Email Reply Scroll Please
Hi, loving Pipedrive so far. One of my only gripes has been that every time I reply to an email, it automatically makes me scroll all the way down. Its one of those things that does not seem like a big deal until you have to send out 50 emails. Any way we can have this fixed to maybe have an option for reply to be directly…
A new Note function built for Calls
A new note function focused on recording info related to calls. This would have a 'Start call' and 'End call' input option with an automatic 'Call duration' field so you can see and monitor time spent. There would also be a description field to write a record of what was discussed throughout the call. Best of all you can…
Lead to Won Deal Report
Hello! I feel like Pipedrive can do this, but I am struggling to find where... Our Marketing team has a number of web forms and other processes in place to get Leads into the Leads inbox. Viable leads are eventually converted to Deals. Then a (sometimes long) period of time can pass. The Deal is eventually (hopefully) WON.…
Products filters
Hi, On a regular basis I would like to filter specific products in a deal. When you have say five products A,B,C and D. If I have two deals one with product D only, and one deal with product D&B. If I create a filter like" Product code is "D" it will filter out both deals also the one with product D&B. According the help…
Create Deal (Lead) from email
Hi, I'm trying to do automation via make (integromat). Expectation: 1. an email arrives at a certain address - via Make it is looked up via IMAP 2. it looks to see if there is a Person and Organisation in the PD 3. if it is, assigns, if not create. 4. creates a lead or deal and puts the mail in it. Reality: Up to point 3…
Deal Source
I find it quite an oversight that Pipedrive has no default category for lead source. We have manually added this field to deals, but as a manual field it means we are unable to build a report on it for our dashboarding. Massive oversight for a company that is focussing around new facilities like web visitors and randomly…
Directly Relate more than one organisation to one single deal
Hi, Does anyone know if i can directly Relate more than one organisation to one single deal. Many thanks in advance.
Early release 🚀 Deals + Products data available for Export 📦
Hi, I’m a PM at Pipedrive working on the Products feature, On Wednesday 2 Aug we will start releasing new functionality to export data on the products added to deals, so you can pass this information on for more detailed reporting, delivery or fulfilment. What will you get with this release? From the Export Data feature,…
Auto sync emails sent to 'Participant' contacts on a deal
Hi there, My company urgently needs the Pipedrive product team to auto sync any emails sent to 'participant' contacts to a deal. Currently if you're emailing a client who isn't listed as the point 'person' on that deal then it won't be recorded in the activity (unless linked manually). In most companies there are multiple…
Notes on deal not showed in organization?
Hi to all, I've noticed that if I write a Note inside a deal, this note is not showed on the organization view. Is it normal? Why?
Automation that deletes scheduled activities when a deal is marked "lost"
Is there a way to automatically delete all activities (e.g. follow-up call on sent quote) tied to a deal after it has been marked "lost"?
Automatic deal creation from a Campaign click
We have a regular newsletter mailout that we send via Campaigns. In this newsletter, we have various links that recipients can click on. Some of the links will take them to our website so they can download materials. When they do this I would like Pipedrive to automatically create a deal, so this can be followed up with by…
Deal sharing for external user
I want to share deal externally pipedrive user. I mean user who have own pipedrive account not my company account?
Possible to link an activity to a Deal AND a Project
It seems that I can link either a Lead, Deal or Project to my activity. While I of course want my activity to be linked to the project, I still want my acitivty overview to show the Deal that my project - and therfore my activity - was created from.
Configurable Deal Cards??
On the deal cards in pipeline view, you can see the title, value, owner, organization in the little card. It would be great to be able to configure this view to add a due date or next activity date etc. to this view so I can see critical info at a glance.
Is it possible to append Deal records in bulk using CSV?
I want to append a large bulk of Deal records using a CSV file, but when I upload the file, it tries to add the appended records as new deals instead of updating the existing records. Background: We are appending a large group of records with a "0" in a custom field for a tracking project. Because we are doing a large…
Insight reports tracking Total Gross Revenue (how to do it?)
I understand there are 3 ways to track income. I also understand where the system is pulling the date from. There is the lump sum deal value, the recurring revenue, and the payment schedule. The issue I'm finding is the 1-time deal value can't be reported alongside the other 2 forms of revenue. These are separate reports.…
Won + open subscription revenue deals feeding into revenue forecasting
Our company has the ambition to build a recurring revenue base. The first subscription-based agreement was signed in August and there is a pipeline of open deals, all with monthly revenue. Deals are typically generated in USD and EUR, whilst our local and reporting currency is NOK. We have therefore looked into the…
Automations and Docuements
Hello everyone, I want to add documents using automation, and this is currently impossible on pipedrive. I'm sure there will be an application that will be useful for many companies like me. Good Works, Best Regards.
Allow mails and activities to be assigned to projects and deals
As of now, one needs to choose between assigning a mail or an activity to a project or a deal. However, often it would be great to have a mail or activity both being visible in a project and the corresponding deal.