Automatic reminders/activities to reconnect after a given amount of time (Follow up Questions)
I'm starting a new post because I've replied to my previous one with follow-up questions but have got no response in almost 2 weeks. Can someone please respond to and answer my follow-up questions in post: https://community.pipedrive.com/post/5ec56ef110fb4c40757ad35a#response-5ed62a945733167650f52878 @Inês Batata was…
Which lead generation automation tools do you find the most helpful?
Using the most effective lead generation process, tools, and templates is crucial for maintaining a reliable flow of qualified leads. There are a number of fantastic automation tools available to help you do just this. In the guide, Lead Generation, Automating Your Lead Gen Strategies, we discuss a number of automation…
Who is using the new Lead feature in Pipedrive? How do you use it versus just having a Contact?
Who is using the new Lead feature in Pipedrive? How do you use it versus just having a Contact?
👍for the new Leads section!
Just wanted to say thanks for the new Leads section. I know it's in beta testing, but this is a brilliant addition. I've historically used "Deals" as a stopgap but that's often messed up my flow. Having a dedicated Leads section is exactly what I needed. Excited to see how this section evolves and improves over time. Keep…
New Leads option
In order for us to use the new lead option we would need custom fields to maintain necessary information about our clients/leads. Just like us, I assume many other clients are using a second pipeline for leads at the moment, It would be very helpful if Pipedrive can allow clients to move deals back to leads, that way we…
Pushing data from Website (by WordPress) to Pipedrive
I know how to use WebForm, very useful indeed! It allows me to create a form in Pipedrive and replicate it in the website via code snippet. What if I need to pass name, email id and few other information from my website to Pipedrive, so it creates a new lead in Pipedrive.
Turn off main nav features not used
I appreciate that Pipedrive is trying to create all sorts of new features, however, many are not applicable to my business and the navigation is getting more cluttered and difficult to use. How can I turn off / can you create a feature to allow me to control what is viewed? Specifically, I wish to hide * Leads (new feature…
New Leads Feature
Thanks for introducing the Leads Inbox feature it will allow us to achieve a lot more. Up until now we have had two separate pipeline states (Lead and Prospect) to capture possible deals. We then have to filter our data to exclude these when doing forecasts. Having a separate leads 'bucket' will allow our marketing people…
Hey everyone! I'm having a bit os a struggle trying to figure out how to filter deals from a same co
To better explain: I basically want to view my deals informations arranged in leads format. That being Organization/Clients being ONE lead. Working with a marketplace, I sometimes have one lead being offered different deals of different products or cities, for example. But I want to know how many LEADS I generated in a…
Add pre-defined activity sequences to Leads feature to "automate outbound sales activities"
@Mike van der Valk Hi Mike, Hi all, if possible it would be so great to attach "pre-defined activity sequences" to leads feature. (similar to sequences that Outreach.io is implementing). We only do outbound and currently contact companies and candidates (we are headhunter) in pre-defined steps (day 1 - Social media…
Lead Visibility
Is it just me or would the Leads feature be greatly improved by being visible ONLY to the lead owner and not everyone? As a professional sales person, now business owner, with an external sale team of hundreds I simply cannot contemplate using this feature at all, which is a real shame. Please help me get this problem…
Is there a way to add a label (Cold, Warm, Hot) to leads generated via LeadBooster?
lead error?
Hello, I just converted a lead into a deal and although if I look for it directly in the list of leads it no longer appears, if I enter it in the search box if it appears, and if I click it I can enter to see it. It is normal? cc @Mike van der Valk
How enable leads menu ?
How enable leads menu ?
What is this new Leads function you're all talking about?? And is this only available at a higher su
What is this new Leads function you're all talking about?? And is this only available at a higher subscription level?
Is it possible to delete de Leads Tab?
Is it possible to delete de Leads Tab?
Lead option/function
Hi! Is it possible to active "Lead" menu/function to my client?
Leads - Ideas & Thoughts
So at least for us the concept of a leads section "before" deal make sense. Good progress. To get it to fully useful level, some items I need. * To be able to connect to more sources that just LeadBooster * To have the functionality with Zapier to create lead. * And what to do with all my Deals that need to be converted…
I don't even know where to begin
I have to say that your new leads inbox is completely useless for working a scale. I was so excited that you guys rolled this leads bucket out, and now it's of no use to me. The thought process around the design is as though you took it from a lesser CRM. I have sales people out in the field. I don't have time to load…
Leads Inbox Suggestion: Use Contacts as the hub for leads import
In looking at ways to efficiently load in spreadsheets for leads management and ways to mass assign, and add needed information, it seams like the best approach is to do it through contacts. Currently that is the only place that has a bulk editing feature, and it allows for many more fields than does the leads inbox.…
What is experience w/the new leads feature?
Who can tell me about the new leads feature that I've been hearing about? Is it something I have to request access to? Or am I just not seeing it in the UI? How is the experience with it? I currently dump all my leads into a lead stage of my pipeline. That's been working out well for me, because it gives me stats on how…
I created a tool that integrates with FB business API to generate lists of businesses + automate col
I've been using Pipedrive for well over a year now and love it. I partnered up with my brother to create a pretty useful tool (at least for B2B peeps). It keeps my appointment booker busy and gets me a good amount of sales calls. Would love to know if anyone would be interested in trying it out for free so I can get some…
How do I dictate where my leads imported via excel go within Pipedrive?
I love the new tab for LEADS and want a lot of old leads to be put into there and then worked by sales.
Lead scoring
When scoring leads, what is a right way to find out a person's job title? Many people don't like to be asked this question.