Travel company
Hello, any travel company/agency, tour operator here in the Canadian Pipedrive community. If so would love to connect and share how we integrate Pipedrive within our workflows.
How to show your employees that they’re valued
High-performance organizations recognize that great ideas and initiatives can come from all levels. Try showing employees they’re valued by removing status barriers and integrating teams. For example, HPOs typically opt for an open workspace, where everyone works in the same space regardless of seniority. Other ideas…
Sorting Deals in a Pipeline View
Hi folks 👋 I know there are a lot of Pipedrive addicts waiting for this feature so I’m trying a new post for this miracle… manual deals sorting in a pipeline stage! Indeed, I saw a lot of messages in this forum asking about this feature and I agree with you guys: it will be a fantastic (and basic) feature for Pipedrive and…
Sales kickoff: Can you celebrate and motivate at the same time?
Many sales and marketing managers want to use their annual sales kickoff meeting to celebrate wins from the previous twelve months, while motivating their teams to reach even greater heights in the year to come. Is there an ideal event format for accomplishing both objectives at the same time? Brainshark’s State of Sales…
email sequences/cadences
I'm curious to know how Pipedrive users are working with email sequences/Cadences. I use Klenty which has a deep integration with Pipedrive to send out email Sequences/Cadences. But here is the problem. There are so many types of contacts/leads my CRM and i only want to export specific types of leads/contacts to Klenty so…
Track Leads activity in Insights
Is there a way to track the activity you do on Leads in Insights? For example, how many leads were qualified and converted to deals and how many were unqualified and archived? Without that data, it's hard to get a clear picture of the sales cycle.
Salytix sales dashboard Q&A
Hello, I represent the team at Salytix, who have created a real-time dashboard for you to have in your office, or on your phone. It simply displays your sales team's results in a day, week, month, and year fashion. Our product is currently under development, and we would love all feedback or any other questions about sales…
Recurring sales: LTV VS deal value for the ongoing sales cycle
Hello fellow Pipedrivers, Our team would like to start using Forecasting and more advanced reporting features, but not sure how taking into consideration our current sales process. We work account based and our sales cycle is 1 year. Our main products being events means that we sell tickets to the event to the client and…
We need an ability to split sales among multiple sellers.
As a business, we track sales of individual employees...equally important to us the ability to track the value of the average sale. Currently, the system doesn't seem to have the ability to do both. I can either credit one salesperson with the entire deal in the system in order to protect the average deal metric but then…
O que é a Mentoria Profissional em Vendas Derivado do inglês (mentoring), a mentoria pode ser entendida como tutoria ou apadrinhamento. Basicamente, trata-se de uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento profissional que consiste na ajuda oferecida por alguém experiente (mentor) a outro com menos experiência ou iniciante…
Understand your customers’ thoughts and feelings with an empathy map
While all good customer journey maps include emotions, empathy maps take that a step further and provide a more complete customer picture. As a marketer, an empathy map helps you create content that directly addresses customer questions. Sales reps can use this knowledge to leverage relationship selling. To get started,…
KPIs de Vendas • Indicadores-Chave de Desempenho escrito por autor convidado: Daniel Gomes de Souza Em julho de 2020 completei 16 anos de carreira na área de venda B2B, isso me fez refletir um pouco sobre este período e das mudanças que vivenciei. É inegável ver que ainda se faz muito do que se fazia há até mais de 16…
A Negociação A negociação é uma forma básica e especial de comunicação humana, mas nem sempre temos consciência de que a estamos fazendo. É a última etapa do processo de vendas e é tão importante quanto as etapas anteriores – mas não necessariamente a mais importante. É o ato final para se capturar o valor criado para o…
Feature request: ability to group Leads
Hello Pipedrive team! I am new to Pipedrive and currently setting everything up (importing data, setting up email templates, etc.). I understand that the "Leads" section is brand new is still in beta, and I'm really looking forward to that feature growing. One suggestion I have for "Leads" is to have the ability to create…
Sales Territory Management & Optimization
Empower your Pipedrive data with Geo-Visualization. Leverage the power of intelligence, automation and analytics in a single cloud-based solution. Visit pipedrive.wemapsales.com to access WeMapSales or book your free demo today at: https://wemapsales.com/contact-us/
As Objeções em Vendas Objeção: ação de objetar, de rejeitar ou contestar; é o que está lá no dicionário Aurélio. Mas, poderíamos defini-la também como uma “doença” que causa paralisia, suor demasiado e a sensação de ter mariposas no estômago; adoece com mais frequência vendedores que não gostam de planejar suas interações…
Quantitative or Qualitative Data: Which is more important for sales forecasting?
Both quantitative and qualitative data can be valuable when putting together a sales forecast. However, for some the proof is in the numbers. While others believe that this type of sales forecasting does not allow you to account for external factors only experience can reveal. According to Carl Eschenbach, who is a partner…
Sales Process: Linking Email 'Threads' to Deals - Pipedrive as a source of truth for email/Customer
Emails in Pipedrive is quite the hassle for us. * Smart Bcc / Automatic Linking Does not work if you have more than one deal for a Person - which we always do... * Using Email directly in Pipedrive is really lacking - We cannot expect our salespeople and other users to shift away from Gmail or Outlook. This presents a…
What sales method do you use?
Here at GetAccept we are really large fans of the MEDDIC sales methodology - do you have have a favourite method that you use in your sales team? Metrics Economic Buyer Decision Maker Decision Criteria Identify Pain Champion
Os Super Vendedores! Quem é que não gostaria de liderar ou ser parte de uma equipe de super vendedores?! É certo que não existe uma poção mágica para transformar vendedores medianos em super vendedores, mas aplicar o CHA de forma correta é capaz de produzir o mesmo efeito. CHA é o acrônimo para (C) conhecimentos, (H)…
Do you use mobile daily? If yes, we need you!
Hi everyone! I would like to ask for 20 min of your time to learn about how you use a mobile phone in everyday sales processes. You do not need to have a Pipedrive app installed. However, if you do, this is your chance to share your feedback about it as well. Please pick a timeslot that works for you. Thanks in advance and…
Converting deals to leads - measuring outputs
Hi! I am thinking about new approach how to tackle our target audience. We are a niche market and it is normal, that prospects, that declines now, will buy in the future. I want to create a process, where when some deal is lost, the deal will be converted back to lead and we will warm the lead up until it is ready to go…
Stopping Automated Sequence When a Prospect Responds
We're taking a serious look at Mailigen to automate our lead nurturing and prospecting work. One thing I'm hung up on is ending a auto-sequence if someone responds. For example, let's say I have three email automation planned for lost customers (i.e., those whom we havne't worked with in 2 years or more). I want one of the…
Coworking Operators using Pipedrive
Hello, I would like to connect with any other coworking operators using Pipedrive. Since coworking spaces are membership based, I'd also like to connect with any membership based organizations to discuss best practices for setting up Pipelines for our industry types and unique sales process. Andrea Howell
O que é o Storytelling? A National Storytelling Network (NSN) define o Storytelling como “a arte interativa de usar palavras e ações para revelar os elementos e imagens de uma história enquanto estimula a imaginação do ouvinte.” Em um dia frio de outubro de 1975, em uma pequena cidade no Tennessee, as pessoas se reuniram…
O que é o Key Account Management [KAM]? Embora existam muitas definições de Key Accounts na literatura, há muito pouco sobre o Key Account Management em si, o que é uma omissão crucial. No entanto, está claro que, embora muitas empresas afirmem estar buscando o KAM, na realidade elas geralmente não estão, e suas práticas…
As Diferenças e Consequências da “Venda Ativa" e “Venda Passiva" Nem todos os profissionais de vendas tem total clareza que vender é um processo! Basicamente, podemos dizer que um processo nada mais é que uma série de ações que são realizadas para se alcançar determinado (s) objetivo (s). Portanto, todo profissional de…
Inovação em Vendas Num mundo cada vez mais repleto de incertezas, mudanças constantes e com a comoditização de produtos e serviços extremadamente acelerada, as empresas tem buscado freneticamente pela inovação para garantir sua estratégia de competir por diferenciação. A simples menção da palavra “inovação” nos remete a…
Feature Request: Integrate CC Payments (Stripe) to Request Signature Page // How are you handling CC
Would it be possible to integrate Stripe to accept credit cards and begin billing from the final Request Signature page? How is everyone accepting payments after the client signs a proposal? I'm currently using betterproposals.io but I feel like this would be a great feature to have in Pipedrive to reduce buying friction.
Resiliência em Vendas no Mundo Atual Falar de resiliência é falar em quão fácil ou sofrida tem sido a assimilação, aceitação e virada nas mudanças que o mundo vem sofrendo nos últimos tempos. Com o fim da Guerra fria (1947-1990), a sociedade se viu diante de uma nova dinâmica pela consolidação da democracia, globalização e…