Retroactive Automations
Currently, pipedrive automations only work on a new deal or when manually updated. Is there a way that when an automation is created it can "execute" and update to all created deals? As not to have to create the automation and then go back to those deals for them to update. Currently, the solution is to update small…
First Name & Last Name Separation for list export
Edit, you can now ask the Pipedrive support team to enable the split of first- and last name fields in your account 🚀 ----- Hi I would like to know if I can export a list with the first and last name fields in diferent columns.
Let us pin filters everywhere (feature enhancement)
As i saw today, it is possible to pin filters in the deal view. Thats a great feature and it would be perfect to have this feature also in contacts, organizations and leads.
Pipedrive and Google Sheets Integration (HIPAA Compliant)
I have a large amount of HIPAA sensitive data on Google Sheets. I want to integrate and automate relationships between the data on Google Sheets and the data I have in Pipedrive, but Zapier is not HIPAA compliant. Does anyone know of an alternative to Zapier for these needs? Or, has anyone found any creative work-arounds…
Email Inbox Layout
The Email Inbox needs a usability update so that you can scroll through your email messages without having to open each one individually to view the message like how Outlook is set up. There is a split window set up with your inbox window on the left and an email preview on the right, so that you can just stay inside your…
Layout Mail Inbox
Please add a preview option for emails in the email inbox. It is really not practical to open every email to see the content. I dont think it takes a lot to change the view option and the usability increases by 100%. Split view into left and rigtht. One side overview list, other side content area. This would be awesome!…
New: Grouping of Fields 🗂️
Organizing fields has become easier with the ability to create custom groups for fields. You can bundle related fields into common categories to make your information easier to manage and consult. Admin users can: create new custom field groups reorder the placement of groups in the details reorder custom fields within…
Ability to Select Automations
The ability to select automations will allow us to take bulk action like deleting, labeling, or duplicating the automations.
Filter emails in history by user
It was suggested to me that it would be convenient if a user could choose to only see the emails they have sent and received in the contact record history.
I am at my wits end with this site. You cant get a live person on the chat at all and the email support is not accepting emails for responses or assistance. If this is the level of response or service I think I may just go try Salesforce. It is not intuitive how to end the trial and actually be able to start using the full…
Who of your Pipedrive contacts is visiting your website and which pages?
Dear all, is it possible to check who of your Pipedrive contacts is visiting our website and which pages? Thanks. #Askingforadvice
Fileupload via API with Base64 using Javascript
Hello, does anyone has experience with converting a Base64 File Attributes to the multipart format that pipedrive requires? My workflows only allow using Base64 encoding for files and for uploading to my deals in pipedrive they need to be converted. Any idea is appreciated, thanks!
User settings - Block Deleting and editing Title Deals/Contacts and Activities.
Hello Community, I'm wondering if there's a way to implement user-specific settings within PD, to restrict editing for certain users, especially when they are not the owner of a specific contact. For example: Blocking the ability to edit or delete deal titles. Blocking the ability to edit or delete activity titles.…
Bug when writing Emails
It seems there's a bug with the emails. When I'm writing an email, out of nowhere the cursor moves to the first paragraph, making it annoying and loose a lot of time to write an email.
Group note
I just sent an email to 981 companies via Mailchimp. How can I make a note on each company to reflect what I sent? A group note.
[CLOSED] Improving API: Would you help us understand your needs?
UPDATE: This survey is now closed; thank you for participating! Hello! It’s Katerina from Product Research. We’re in the midst of improving our API, and would love some inputs from developers. We have a few questions we’d really want to ask you to help us understand how you use our API. Could you help us out? It shouldn't…
adding custom tracking script to web lead forms
Hi, We are using the web forms to get leads from our website into pipedrive. We want to add a tracking script to get 3rd party tracking on the web forms so we are able to track the source/medium etc of the leads coming in. How do we do this and if not is there a workaround somehow?
Improve the email text editor
There are a few clunky things that I think could be easily changed to vastly improve the email experience on Pipedrive. Currently I have to be very careful sending emails on Pipedrive because of these issues. Otherwise, they look inconsistent from my regular email client (and I need to switch between the two).…
Is it possible to import data (e.g. from an Excel or csv file) into a pre-existing Deal record?
Our sales process involves use of an Excel spreadsheet for crunching numbers and exploring various scenarios for prospective clients. (We're an 🤓 accounting firm.) We want the ability to import into a pre-existing Deal a list of values from the spreadsheet. Otherwise we'll need to do manual data entry from the spreadsheet…
Dynamic Fields in Hyperlinks
Hi, I am trying to create a dynamic hyperlink, based upon a dynamic field. Is there a way to make use of this? Thanks! Robert
Product Unit Price (Without Tax)
Dear Pipedrive, This is regarding smart docs and product price features. For quite obvious reasons, we are frustrated that you have added the option to add the subtotal price of all products without tax, but you have not done the same for the product unity price. Would it be possible to have an option where you can show…
Need to show all prices for products
we need to be able to show the DISCOUNTED UNIT price for each product when we do quotes. right now we can show "unit price' which is MSRP and we can show the "product amount" which is the discounted price. BUT THAT ONLY WORKS IF WE HAVE QTY 1 per product. if you have more than one you cant see the unit cost of each item…
Assigning A Contact Name to a New Lead as the Referral Source
I want to connect my contacts to the lead source that gave me their name. Is there a way to designate a field to select an existing contact as the lead source for a new contact I have received? I want to be able to see who has helped me most expand my network.
Outlook Deleted Email Workaround
Hi all! Is there a work around to keep emails in pipedrive even after they are deleted in outlook to ensure activities and historical info remains in pipedrive? I was chatting with customer service and they said that there was no way to do it, and I find that hard to believe. Most people delete emails versus foldering and…
"Chat with us."
Am I the only one who can't get Pipeline's Chat with us feature to work? That's a bad sign when I first sign up for this service, and their chat help doesn't even work. What the heck?
Avoiding the email confirmation for 2 factor authentication?
How can I avoid the email confirmation for 2 factor authentication? I work with several Pipedrive email accounts, for me, for my colleges if I want to make some changes I setup, clients, our support account, Etc. So I work with Safari and Chrome and sometimeS I need to open incognito windows to have 3 or 4 accounts at the…
Pipeline: Track Same Stage Across Multiple Pipelines
Currently, each time a new Pipeline is created the stages entered are all recognized as new stages even if the same stages have been used in previous Pipelines. This means that when you create a report in Insights to look up the same stage across all of your Pipelines, the stages are not grouped and the reporting is not…
Emails Are Not linking to Deals for whole team
The emails that I link to a Deal in Pipedrive, and CC in staff members in the email reply, don't appear as linked emails for other members of my team using Pipedrive in their inbox. Pipedrive requires them to manually connect that email thread to the same ticket (Even though I have already done it with my account) for that…
Feature Wish: Syncing Tasks with Microsoft To Do and Apple Reminder
I would like to synchronize the tasks from the PipeDrive Activities with (1) Microsoft To Do and (2) Apple Reminders. Reasoning: Two of the most important principles of self-organization are: (1) Tasks are not appointments/events and appointments/events are not tasks ⇒ Tasks therefore belong on the To-Do list / in the…
New: Date fields now trigger Automations! 📆 🤖
Why? * Build automations when date fields values change (Deals, People, Organizations) * Share date-related data from a trigger event into an action event (e.g. "Deal expected close date", a custom Person date field) For whom? * All users with Workflow Automations (Advanced plan and above) What can a user do? * Use default…