Emailing marketing workflow
Can we have the ability to create a marketing workflow following an emailing opening ? In other words : we send an emailing from Campaign, when a contact opened this emailing or clicked on a specific link, we can send to him a specific emailing Thanks. Amina
How can I configure the calendar and invites for the users time zone?
I have my personal preference time zone setting for PST. But my calendar displays UTC. How can I change this to display the recipient's time zone for all calendar invites
Assistance regarding the visibility of my activities
I have individuals in my company responsible for scheduling appointments. I want them to be able to see my already scheduled appointments, even if they are not related to the prospect or the deal, so they know when I am available or not. However, I do not want them to have access to the information of the individuals with…
Custom Field issue
Hi I've set up a custom field, where the users can click "Yes" and "No". However it seems I cannot get rid of a "None" option, which for our data is not useful (as its either yes or no). Ain't it possible to remove that None option?
Trigger Campagin
I work with Zapier and want the trigger - Campaign in Pipedrive was sent. In the campaign, there is a link to Calendly - when this is clicked, the workflow should start. However, I can't find the trigger 'Campaign was sent' in either Pipedrive automations or Zapier - can anyone help me further?
Linking several organizations to 1 project
Hi there! My company is new on Pipedrive and we are struggling to achieve what we have in mind. I have been reading through the different discussions and it seems to me that this topic has not been tackled before; if it has, please send it! 😊 We want to use Pipedrive to keep track of the status of the projects we sell, as…
Data Clear up
Hello Pipedrive, Situation: I want to clear up test data from Pipedrive Question: Is there a way that I can clear up a Lead (and associated Organisation, and Contact), all in one go? From Pipedrive interface? Currently: I am doing it all the slow and long way, separately. Many thanks, Lee
Leads Management
Hi, would like to manage leads at our accounts, we have 5 comercials (5 different acces) and i would li ke to share leads internally with each comercial and manage it making the follow up.
Automation: meeting booked -> person to lead inbox
Hi Pipedrive community! Is it possible to automatically convert a contact person into a lead when a meeting is booked via the scheduler tool? Or do I need to use another tool for automation, such as Zapier?
Automatically link a lead to an email after a lead is created
Hi! When a letter comes from a potential client, my automation (make) creates a lead. My mail is synchronized in Pipedrive and the setting "Automatically identify emails and associate them with leads, deals or projects" is enabled. The problem is that mail appears in Pipedrive before my lead is created, and the lead is not…
How to trig an action if a "single selection" is empty.?
Hi, I created a single selection custom field in deal. I want to create an automation if this single seletion field is not selected. In the current situation I created an action as *if this field is empty* but this condition is not working. Any help ?
More Fields for Email Templates
Hello, I'm working on an email template, and I would like to add not only the Product name but also the variation and the quantity of the product into the template. I don't see the "variation" field to enter into the template. I feel pipedrive products is really underserved. Typical email: I could do this task ( like…
Document/Form Pipedrive Integration
Hello, I have had a couple of meetings with third-party apps for client forms and document management. I'm having an issue finding the right one. I aim to send the client a link with a form for them to fill out. It is also possible for them to upload documents. I want the information to link to Pipedrive and fill it in a…
Custom Currency
I have added a custom currency to a client's account, but the custom is pound sterling with extra decimal points as I cannot edit the default one. But the £ symbol is now placed after the monetary value, so it looks like this 100£ - please can this be changed so that all currency symbols can be assigned either side
Leads Labels Cant be Reordered
Why the Labels from the Leads cant be reordered as the deal/contact labels? For example, I have these labels: dont answer at my first phone call dont answer at my second phone call. Then I create a label: Come back in June with a phone call dont answer ay my third phone call. It s a littble bit unaesthetic.
Products sales analysis
Hi there, After talking to your help team, it appears that there is no possibility to export products sales in an Excel document to analyse it. Indeed, we are using Pipedrive to realise quotes and sales, we have more than 600 products and no possibility to analyse products sales quantity over time... Could you imagine a…
Bulk delete organizations
How can I bulk delete selected organizations?
Our new brand campaign is live!
We’re delighted to launch our new creative platform, "The Road to Success". This brand campaign acknowledges the bumps in the road businesses experience and how Pipedrive points them toward success. Ready to drive together? Learn more here. Whenever everyday tasks slow things down or sales activities feel overwhelming, our…
Hello, cineva din Romania activ aici?
Ar fi interesant sa avem diferite discutii despre cum folositi pipedrive, si tips & trick pe use case-uri specifice. In cazul de fata cautam un modul de emailing care sa se sincronizeze 2 way to pipedrive si care sa ne permita sa trimitem mai mult de 2k emails per day
Include lead value ($) in mapping of data import
When importing leads from a spreadsheet, we currently do not have the option to map the lead value. If we map the lead vale to deal value, it creates both a lead and a deal in Pipedrive at the same time. Adding the ability to map the lead value when importing data would be very simple and save manually adding each lead…
Can RFC5321.mailFrom / Return path get DMARC SPF Alignement ?
Hello all (sorry if technical, I'm an eMail deliverability consultant trying to help my customer using PipeDrive) * I know the way PipeDrive send eMail that the RFC5321.mail from / SPF is handled by the platform and we don't have to deal with it... * I know if DKIM PASS Alignment that DMARC pass (DKIM d=domain match DMARC…
How to send an automatic whatsapp message
Hello everyone, I want to send an automatic whatsapp message when the application is received. I am using twilio and timeline applications as whatsapp integration. I need someone who has an extra solution suggestion or can help. Best Regards
How to change email models
Hello, I would like to send an email after 1 week of inactivity. However, how can I update an email model in Pipedrive please? Thx, David
Hi everyone, Timeline is a whatsapp application that integrates Pipedrive. By training artificial intelligence, you can significantly increase your sales by giving automatic replies to your customers via whatsapp. Using the Timeline, you can send messages to your customers via whatsapp and see these messages in detail in…
Adding new contacts
Recently the procedure has changed for adding a new contact in an org. After submitting your contact, there s a new popup for adding another contact. I think its an unnecessary feature. Can we get rid of it please? Or what do other salespeople who work with PD think? Cheers 😊
Smart Doc creation - adding multiple participant's data - Request to add this please!
Hello! RE. "Smart Doc creation - adding multiple participant's data - Request to add this please!" Situation: As an admin creating template finance proposal document for my salespeople When creating a new template Smart Doc I would like to be able to pull the following fields onto the Smart Doc Template: Contact 1: Person…
Form with info from Pipedrive (not to Pipedrive)
I want to create a work order form per deal populated with various custom fields we have in Pipedrive. The form needs to have a yes / no response which updates a corresponding field on the deal in Pipedrive. All the forms I have looked at are for gathering information to add to PD, we already have the information in PD and…
Trigger automation by filter
The Zapier integration has the ability to trigger when a record matches a Pipedrive filter. It would be great to see this functionality in Pipedrive automations as well.
Customize tooltip in organization detail view, hovering over people
It would be really helpful and save us a lot of clicks if we could display more info (e.g. custom fields) within the organization detail view, when hovering over individual people.
How to manage calendar permissions in Pipedrive?
Hello Pipedrive Community, I'm seeking guidance on managing event visibility within my Pipedrive calendar. I aim to ensure that while I can fully access and view all my calendar events, these events remain invisible or inaccessible to other users within my organization's Pipedrive account. It's probably very simple, yet…